Thursday, October 11, 2007

When David Heard

A song from Eric Whitacre

I am definitely hipnothyzed by this song. A very-mery-extraordinary-emotional masterpiece. I heard the Brigham Young University Singer sang it. It's perfect.

A long the song I can feel the emotions. The emotions of the song. The emotions of the singers also. Gosh, it's so great to hear it. Bravo to Eric and Brigham Young.

This song is about King David crying for his son Absalom that died slained. Eventhough Absalom actually did the bad things to him, King David still love Absalom. We can hear from the song that King David cries in a really doom for Absalom.

The compositions of Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Bass are perfect. The dynamic is incridible. The piano, forte even the pianissimo and fortessimo, are deeply touching. I can cry everytime I hear the smooth progress of Bass, Alto, and Soprano from the very small one the the very grande voices. Slowly, slowly, slowly, cries: "my son... my son... my son... my son... my son... absalom...". Bravo to all the singers with a very tremendous vocal technique. The choir succeeded to perform this song. The singer even could produce overtone (tone which produces because several voices resonant perfectly one each other) voices a long the song. No other words can be said. Standing appaluse for them.

I dare to say. This song is written not for entertaining. It absolutely not.

This song is masterpiece.


Anonymous said...

hmm...sahat..kynya bagus ini lagu....tapi...aku blum pnah dengar!@#$%^&*()_+

memang sih ada beberapa lagu yg touching bngt buat kita, aku jg ada...

o iya mungkin kau bisa kasi dengar aku kapan waktu ya....

cant wait to hear it ^_^


Unknown said...

lagu lu apa? Beyond the Sea yah?
Ini sih bukan lagu touching buat gua, tapi karya yang keren banget aja

oke ntar ku kasih dengar kapan-kapan. hehe

Credo said...

Aku mau dong lagunya :D Kirimin lewat email ato upload di suatu tempat dong, please.. hehehe :D Makasi sblomnya (pdhl blom tentu dikabulkan)

Unknown said...

13 menit bo lagunya. Keren abis. Ntar deh kalo gua nemu tempat yang bagus. Soalnya multiply di blok nih di kantor gue.

Hehe. Keren abis lho.

Credo said...

Jadi makin pengen, ahahaha.. Segera direalisasikan ya :D
Klo untuk share file, bisa coba Kapasitasnya gede lho, heheh..

Ato dulu kau nemunya dimana? Biar aku donlot aja :D

Thanks in advance :D

Credo said...

Eh, aku dah menemukan lagunya ding :D Waaaah, emang keren.. Spt biasa, rapat2 harmonisasinya itu keren banget :D

Dan nuansa lagunya cocok banget menurutku.. Baru dengerin skali ni.. hehee..

Unknown said...

Lu dapet yang versi eric whitacre gak?

Rasain emosinya deh sepanjang lagu. Gila yah... nih lagu...

Baik arranger ama penyanyi-penyanyinya sevisi banget tentang lagu ini...

mungkin ada latihan 3 bulan bersama eric kali khusus lagu ini...