Thursday, October 25, 2007

Live Blogging From Kuala Lumpur-Malaysia

Part 1: The Food

Malaysia, luarnya makanan melayu dalemnya India.

I don’t really like Malaysian food. The ingredient is too much for me. Like for example: Pastel (Kind of fried-flour with vegetables inside it). Here, the ginger is too much for me. Yiaakksss… I don’t really like it. It’s just very ginger; very much the same like India food.

The fried fish with sambal, neither, the taste was so boring. The smell is not even couraging my appetite. I don’t know, I just don’t like food today. Hopefully tomorrow won’t be like this again. Hehe.

But, hotel's food. Hmm... delicious. Of course. Five stars hotel gitu lho

Part 2: The Relaxation

If you are from Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur-Sunway Resort Hotel & Spa, would be a very healthy way to relax.

The place, the air, the traffic... it's all good for relaxation.

Me my self, at hotel, I was trying to relaxed my self. For such a long time I had not work out my body, yesterday, I went to gym. Bicyled for almost 40 minutes and try some big tools for my muscles. I did enjoy it so much. When my muscles being trained. After that, I had my warm water bath up in hotel room. Like, gosh, all my muscles got relaxed. Then before I sleep, I read book for training as I listen to Jazz music on radio-tv.

Part 3: The Severity

I don't really like this severity of life. Too much kinds of people here. They all speak different language, they have their own world. Less people talk each others here. Too much severity, like if I want to ask for milk, there's a lot of options. "You want mix it with water?". What?! But, actually it's good to have many options. Look also at the commercial break in TV, some times it is in chinesee language, some times india, some times melayu, some times english. I found also Indonesian sinetron here. Hmm... very new for me, this severity conditions.

Part 4: The City Transportation

Hmmm… suka sekali; very much like transportation system here in KL. The system is much similar with city in Europe. To go everywhere is ease. Unfortunately, I don’t have much time to go around.

Here, we can use bus (in Malaysia it is called BAS), monorail, train (LRT) and of course Taxi. The best thing is all these kind of transportation support each other. The rate it self is quite cheap. It rates is about RM 1-3. In each kind of transportation, there is map that can help us. If you want to take a break for a minute and take a look for a map, you can easily understand the cast of Kuala Lumpur.

Nice system transportation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ada yg bisa bikin refresh lagi nih...
blog vany terbaru...
y ampun tuh foto2 ya...

enjoy it...
