Sometimes people forget to play safe. They think that everything they work on is a game. And because people more like games rather than serious life and work, thus, sometimes the important thing which need serious attention will be neglected for people's fun.
I remember I played very safe when I attended UMPTN in 2001. I believe that was not a game. I read everything, I wanted to understand everything, and everything which can support me through this national exam. I played really safe. And I did it. I 100% worked on it.
Unfortunately, until now, like other people do, sometimes I forget about it. To play really safe in serious in doing my Job. Every job, every task, anything I should do it seriously and safe actually.
Then come up another question, if all things were done very seriously, would us be very stressful? Could we live for another day if we hold that way of thinking? The answer is, in my opinion:
Yes, we will be very stressful. But it can not be a reason so we neglected other importances through our job.
And so, we should be serious and play safe in everything we do. I don't know if I can do this, but at least I have a thought like this as the start.
Kerja serius gpp hat, cuma inget kita mesti work smart not work hard, pasti lebih enak loh...
Inget ama Vonis-nya pak armin hat....
Iyalah 'Ndra...
Gua inget.
Ini kan supaya dibaca ama Manajer aja.
ga ngerti maksudnya play save :(
safe meureun nya'?
maqlum ga ngerti awak bahasa enggress
emang pak rizaldi baca blogmu ini coi?
wah, mantap juga kau ini, udah blog-blogan juga dengan manager.
play save masadi, maksudnya waktu play pakai pengaman jadi save.
gak juga lagi niel, makanya gua berani tulis komen ini. kalo gak, malu banget kali gua...
iya deh yg serius.... ;)
safe? ngga mau ah, masa kerja musti pake seatbelt? :p
play safe atuh, say.. Tp gw gak sepenuhnya setuju sm play safe ini krn manusia hidup itu hrs berani ambil resiko.. B-)
Oh safe....sangkain pas baca suruh menyimpan permainan alias save heuheu makin ngaco
Iya nih, konotasi-nya play-save ntuh, maksudnya ngga taking-risk .. mungkin yg elo maksudin kalo kerja musti serius gitchu? *Mbayangin Sahat, serius? mana mungkinnnnn :)
ribut aja sih semuanya..
tuh udah gua ganti..
yah hat.. life once, live it!
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