Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Want to Create A Composition

It was all started when I decided to create my own album. Yes I'd created some songs, four songs, as I told before in my previous blog, but I believe it must be not enough for an album. I imagined my album must consist of eight (8) songs, yes eight songs. The album is a sacred album.

Then I asked several of my friends to create me songs. One of my friend told me that he wanted to created a song which its lyric taken from Seven Jesus' Phrases at the Cross. I asked him twice about that, I thought it was a really good idea. I even encourage him to create choral composition for that. But, actually he didn't really make it. He just inspired.

However, that idea also inspired me to create a composition. I know. I'm not really good about the choral works. But, let's see it in good way, it's nice isn't it to create your own composition. One must be able to envy other choral works, even the simplest one, if he/she ever made his/her own composition. That's my basic mind so I dare to create.

And also, I want to give something to God this Good Friday. Special for him. I pray as Holy Spirit gives me wisdom so I can create the scores, which can blessed others.

Here are the 7 Phrases in Bahasa (I'll create the song in Bahasa)

+ "Eli, Eli, lama sabakhtani?" Allah-Ku, Allah-Ku, mengapa Engkau meninggalkan Aku?

+ Aku berkata kepadamu, sesungguhnya hari ini juga engkau akan ada bersama-sama dengan Aku di dalam Firdaus.

+ Ya Bapa, ke dalam tangan-Mu Kuserahkan nyawa-Ku.

+ Ibu, inilah, anakmu! Inilah ibumu!

+ Ya Bapa, ampunilah mereka sebab mereka tidak tahu apa yang mereka perbuat.

+ Aku haus!

+ Sudah selesai.

Hmm... gak tau deh bakal jadi kayak apa komposisinya. Tapi yang pasti harus menggambarkan keadaan di sana deh kayaknya.

Hopefully it will be good.

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