Saturday, October 06, 2012

Sinetron v.s. Serial Film

Sinetron (Sinema Elektronik), Indonesian opera soap are rapidly fulfilling every hours of television slot nowadays. Mainly about love, family matters and stuff.

I just notice this, the main difference between Sinetron and Serial Film (which happens I watch in cable TV all the time) is:

Sinetron lacks of creativity

Sinetron comes up with problem-solving plot in a week time frame. So, the creativity will last for a week or two. Compare to serial film, which happens each episode brings new fresh idea PLUS the running stories (like in Sinetron), it is the winner of the creativity.

So, the question is:

Why we lack of creativity?

What makes Indonesian producers trapped in this kind of situation. Well, I think they are not. They must have a bunch of fresh ideas. The problem must be in commercial side. Commercial, in my opinion, kills ideas.

Back to business ethics, not everything should be commercially counted. An honest and trutful motivation for doing show, I believe will lead to greater impact. Even revenues.

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