Friday, October 05, 2012

Character Propotional to Age?

One of my friend ask a question during a CEO Speaks event. He is quite young. He spelled his question with round-and-round-and-round-and-round preamble. The result, that CEO didn't know to answer, because the CEO didn't understand the question.

I noticed that situation. I spoke to my self, I see my self in that young fellow. Proud and silly. Very shallow but super arrogant. I did even worse. In a class presentation held by my friends, I asked a question and I answered it myself. (My God, if I remember that stupid experience, I feel so ashame. To ashame that I could throw my self to the sea right now).

So, the question is:
Will that young fellow will understand this in the future?
Does aging really matters to the character growth?
Well, my answer is yes. God faces us with so many experiences. The reason is one: so we can be more like Him. Wise is one of God's character.

What makes it different is:
How much a man want to learn from each experiences. 
A man who is humble enough to always learn from everything, everyone, everytime is the winner. While on the other hand, the one who refuse to learn and let the wind blows will gain a little percentage of this opportunities.
So yes, age does matter to character. But, what really matters is the humble heart to always learn. 
That makes a young fellow, can even more mature than an old childish man.

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