Martorombo means to find the family relation beetwen people in a family name. For example is me:
Then actually I have a close or far relation with a person I don't know with the same family name. It's because we are from the same ancestors, same parents, same person, a person. It's actually pleasing, since I have a lot of families.
Here are my ancestors:
I ever thought, they actually ever lived in this world before. They have dreams, girl or boy friends, wifes, husbands, kids, they have life.
But world is keep rotating and the time still running.
So are we and the generations after.
Bo... bisa-bisaan lu bikin pohon keluarga kayak gini...
ku tuh emang batak banget deh (dengan tendensi yang sudah diperbaharui oleh gue dan si Bo) (winking to Bo and you)
jaga kesehatan Bo.. walo begadang terus jangan sampe telat makan.
Lu jadi kebandung ga si Sabtu ini?
Btw Bo, lu dapet info dari mana tentang silsilah lu ini?
Gue jadi pengen liat silsilah gue.
sekali lagi jangan lupa jaga kesehatan ya.
hehehe i start to sound like Pindy hehehe...
Gak tau bo gua jadi ke bandung apa nggak...
yang pasti gua kelarin dulu dah pekerjaan gua di sini..
Papi gua itu jago banget mar-tarombo, dia yang bikin gua cuma mendijitalisasikan aja
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