Wednesday, September 01, 2010

There I Was

There I was..

stood before the altar, hold tight my microphone;
the moving lamps were everywhere, flew easily accross the room.
Church room.

Then I sung my first tone. That's it. It happened, and I could not turn back. I must went through to praise and worship the Lord, that entire long night.

Only one thing blew on my mind that time: how all of us can feel the new dimension of Praise and Worship, the new atmosfer and the real humble heart in worshipping the Lord.

I did my best. What I did was, to praise God it self in honesty, in Spirit and in truth.

I liked it. How the church people responded the way of our act in worshipping the Lord. They had their own style, and I fully understand it. It doesn't matter how you look in worshipping the Lord, it just need to come out from your deepest heart.

Remind me once again, who must had the night, except Lord Jesus, King of King and Lord of Lord.

Oh gosh, that was not what I saw. He was abandoned, and I felt really sad about it. Some famous artists, who happended to came very late, had the high chair that night. The offering was damaged and ruined. All did was to wait for those famous artists, and more programs added to wait them.

Even, the special song, which never been written before, played, so that the famous artist could sang, so that she can please people church, and no ticket will be returned because of disappointment of audiences.

For some people, it was a great way, to save the night.
For me, it was the way to abandoned The Lord, and replaced Him with those famous artists.
New graven image was borned that night.
I was really sad about it, and I still am.

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