Monday, January 22, 2007

History of Bo

Since lot of people ask about my nick name Bo, I feel like it’s important to share the history of this word.

The story begin about four years ago in Bandung Institute of Technology, my bachelor campus. That time, me and my friends (Ico, Jeki, etc.) used to apply the words ‘bo’ at the end of our sentences. This word have some tension of 'k' consonant, so it sounds like 'joke' with 'j' replaced by 'b'. So you can say it like this: ‘bok’. For example:
Iya tau ‘bok’, bener banget tau ‘bok... (Yes ‘bok’, it’s very right ‘bok’)
This word actually common in whole town. Announcers of almost young-market radio stations frequently used this kind of Indonesian language style.

In the development of this word, me and my friends utilized the word in order to replace the subject of ourselves. This time the word still use the ‘k’ tension. For instance:
Eh ‘bok’ (mengacu ke Jeki), tau ga lu… (hey ‘bok’ (regarding to Jeki), did you know…)
That time the usage of ‘bo’ regarding subject of person also familiar in several towns in Indonesia.

Then we made ourselves different by deleting the ‘k’ tension and add ‘w’ tension in it. So it became ‘bow’. It sound like we say “saw” with ‘s’ replaced by ‘b’. Don’t forget to adhere your both lips and bring them forward a little to say this self-invented word.

This word ‘bow’ stay quite long until one day my other buddy, Roy, replace my name with this word. Since that day, my name was replaced with that word. Surely, completely, perfectly all sentences which emerge my name-Sahat-in it, replaced by this word. But this time, the tension ‘w’ in ‘bow’ deleted. So it’s perfectly ‘b’ followed by ‘o’: ‘bo’. The way to say it is likely the same with the previous one ‘bow’, but the consonant ‘w’ erased. The sound became quite warm in my ears.

Not spend much time since he called me like that, I also used the same word to replace his name. In order to differentiate my nick with his, I used capitalization in writing. And as you can also realized, we don’t need differentiation in two-ways chat. I used to wrote ‘Bo’ for his nick name in every message I sent to him that time. I also got my name wrote down as ‘bo’ that time. I didn’t know if my friend realize this or not till now, it’s just my personal convention. Why he got the capitalization? The answer is simply because he is older than me.

Afterthat, our both friend Vanny, ruined everything. She used to called both of us 'bo'. Before, she used to call us with our real name. Then we got confused if she said ‘bo’, cause we didn’t knew to whom she talked to.

As a punishment, Vanny also given that title for herself. We both use to call her ‘bo’ till now on. In the beginning it’s hard to applicate, to understand who is the subject of one topic. But then we could overcome it and all of us now easy to understand what we talk about.

Now every single person in the Fellowship are known as Bo. It’s made us easy in sending the broadcast SMS. We just made only one template for all of us. Such as:
Bo, Met Natal & Tahun Baru ya…(Bo, Merry Christmas & Happy New Year )

That’s way I popular with the name SAHATHUTAJULUBO


Anonymous said...

[...] Since lot of people ask about my nick name Bo, I feel like it’s important to share the history of this word. [..]

a lot of people ?? please deh !!!

Unknown said...

Emang banyak tau... sirik aja loe.

Btw, CONGRAT ye... lu pengunjung gua yang ke seratus. Yuhu...

Hadiahnya udah dikasih kan...

Ntar pengunjung ke 1000 dapet lagi. Hahahaha...

Anonymous said...

woi bo...
werido banget sih lu, cerita kayak gini jadi go publik hihihi...
gue jiplak ke blog gue ya...

from Bo (apa sih... dasar semua weirdo!)

Unknown said...

Biarin aja kali Bo..
abis banyak sich yg nanyain. Contohnya si Bo kemaren.
Gua jadi tergerak untuk memberitahu ini.
Gitu lho Bo.

Credo said...

Aduh bo' Cyapee dee..

Lucu jg kok bo' :D

Anonymous said...

biasa aja d...
(boong banget...)

ya gtu deh para bo...

"bO" (mo pake huruf kapital or not, mo pake huruf latin or kanji or arab sekalipun)
artinya panggilan sayang....

Pojok Hablay said...

halah halah!

home design said...

nice article, keep posting