Wednesday, August 29, 2007

He came first

I saw him first, my old colleague pal, stepping in to the boarding room, finding seat across my seat, almost in the corner. I was talking with another friend that time. I knew he was there but I had no intention to go to him, to open the chat. What I thought was if later I met him, accidentally in the airplane, I’ll say hello to him. If not, then, it will be fine also. No one hurts.

While I was talking suddenly he came to us, give his smile to me and offering the handshake. Then, I pretend that I was surprised by his presence, put a very “nice to meet you” face and handshake his hand. It was fake. Very fake. I saw my self very Kabuki that time.

But him, I’m so impressed with him. He came to me first. He came to me easily. I knew it will just annoyed him self to greet me. Note that I’m not having any connection with his life; neither have I brought any opportunity to his life. But once again, he just came. I don’t know what was he think of, but he just came.

Honestly, for me it’s very difficult even just to come. Next time, I’ll try my best, to open the chat, to come to my friend first before him/her, or to greet first before I get the greetings.

I’ll try, I’ll try.


Anonymous said...

woi bo...
pa kabar sekarang?
ga masi keingat sminggu yang lalu, jam segini gw lg @ jalan ke jkt.
dan berturut2 mnghabiskan 2 hari kedepan di bandara. hahahaha...
tetap semangat ya Bo.
doain gw ma pindy jg

btw teman yang lu ceritain disini siapa si? gw kenal?
GBU Bo :)

Unknown said...

Baik bo. Baru pulang dari Bali dan Tuhan tetap baik.

Hahaha... sedih banget yah...

Selalu didoakan koq.

Teman seangkatan. Gak kenal loe.