Bali, week 35, we altogether out for Bali and spent 3 nights there. It was such a great time. Absolutely fun. Extreme sports and also beautiful views.
Bali, still, will never disappoint its tourists. Always satisfying. The name is Bali.
The same atmosphere, mystique atmosphere, I could felt there. So many mysteries around there. In the ground, in the air, in the water, in the sky. They altogether shaped Bali to be a really nice place.
Local people around there are not really warm. It was just average. The beauty of Bali has no connection with them. Bali creates itself to be good place. It’s just the nature.
Imagine, a vacation, in Bali, in a big group, 53 persons together. We usually placed in one small cubical room, but then we were in the jungle, we were in the river, we were on the bay, we were in the nature. Things will never be the same again from there. We knew much each other from there. We laugh together. The very real person came up one by one. We all better than we are in the office. We all actually are fun people. It’s good to know that.
Office will never be the same place again.
Imagine, you are on the river, big ripple river. And you are sitting there, on a boat without safety belt, tight you to the boat. You just have a rope circling the boat to hold.
Yes, I’ve been there. I had the accident. Felt into the river together with my friend. Wet, but without fear at all. It’s all just fun.
Imagine, you are 10-20 meters high from ground. You jump from one rope to another with just 2 safety ropes. You walk in just one single rope and hold to the parallel rope. You walk like a spider at net, but 10 meters high from ground. You jump from one step to another, very high. Extreme sport. Or you swing from one tree to another just by one rope.
It was beyond my limit. Out from my limit.
I never imagine I could ever do that. I’ll try the more extreme one next time.
It was Bali, which unites us. It was its air. It was its sceneries. It was its flowers. It was its green. It was Bali.
Untung pergi ke Bali:
- Bisa mengenal anak-anak core. Jadi lebih enak nih di kantor
- Bisa liat cewek bule yang seksi-seksi. Ah...
- Bisa menikmati indahnya Bali. Fabolous.
- Jalan-jalan dibayarin. Enak banget kan yah.
- Banyak dapet hadiah, walopun gua gak dapet satupun.
- Diceng-ceng-in ama sekretaris baru yang cantik. Cuit.. cuit..
- Jadi gak norak. Hahahaha...
- Tambah gemuk. Banyak makan.
- Banyak diskusi masalah pekerjaan di sana. Nambah banyak ilmu. Keren.
- dll
Rugi ke Bali:
- Duit gua habis.. bis.. bis.. bis.. bis.. bis.. bis.. bis.. bis.. gara-gara beliin oleh-oleh untuk orang-orang. Wuiiihhh...

Wild Wet Core
Core, Transport, Netman
Department Outing
29th August - 1st Sept
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