It’s always been nervous term for me to meet my colleagues from college. Don’t know how and don’t know why, every time I think about them I always think about great-clever-diligent-leadership talent-etc. and all other things which far greater than me. They far too much clever, seldom mistakes people. I just very confused I was with them in that classes. It’s just very wrong.
The sophomore meeting was planned watching The Simpson in Setiabudi21, Setiabudi-One Kuningan. I’ve been there, together with my friends, in one of the farewell party. I was very nervous. I need to go to toilet first before I met them. I need to brush my teeth, I need to wash my hands and my face, and I need to neat my shirt and my pans. Oh God, how nervous I was. Walking to the 2nd floor I saw them from distance. I saw them very great. Very executive way of clothing and very particular faces of expensive employees was my first impression last night. It was great to meet them. I started to chat with them in a very bestow level. As my heart admitted, I will never have deep conversation with them. It will just humiliating my self in front of them. I started to chat about their spouse-gonna be, their works, their life, jokes and everything else.
Basically, they are not change. I still heard the same tone of them, the same way of speaking, the same way of joking and the same clever people. However, I saw several differences of them. Some of them become more slender, as if they loose lot of kilos of their weight. Some of them become very tidy and neat person. Some of them turn to be very quiet persons, while some of them were quite before. Some of them turn out to be more pretty and handsome as well. Some of them, surprisingly, already have their own house and vehicle.
Nothing change exceedingly, I still afraid of some of them, afraid to talk with them. They seem like God and Goddess for me, while my self is just an extraordinary person living my life. Counted from 16 people coming, I just dare to chat with 3 of them: Mirza, Iya and Rince. It’s all because they often chat with me before. The rest, I put extraordinary antenna, if somehow, I must use my brain to chat with them. Hahaha…
Before we watched the movie, we agreed to have our meal first. Mangkuk Putih is the name of the restaurant we picked. All the dishes to serve the food are white, very synchronal with the name of the restaurant (Mangkuk Putih: White Dishes). Me, my self, I just had Vanilla-Chocolate ice cream. I already had my meal before: Mie Ayam Gerobakan. We talked much at that dining. One by one the squad promise-to-come, came for completeness. Yet, more people came, more nervous I was. I even didn’t dare to saw their face. I forced my self to concentrate to my friends next to me; I just pretended to have a very serious conversation so they failed interrupting me. And if that attempt failed, I will have my plan B, to welcome them in the crowd with big voice to press my nervousness.
The talks is very much like:
where are you working now?
what that you do?
hmm... when will your time to marry?
There're few working together in same company, like Telkomsel, Ericsson, Nokia, etc. There's also some one who works in Telkom, IT Consultant and elses. There're few with traumatic experience of love, there're also several who succeded in love. There're people who like the food, while any one else dislike the food. We are so vary.
Part one, I made it, to had dinner with them. I was success through the first temptation.
After one by one, pay to Non Rince for the ticket, we stepped to the theater. I was asked with Awin to go to toilet first before the show (hmm… very clever choice, I thought). On the way out of toilet, I saw Awin, stepped to the wrong way to exit, with lower head. After several seconds he realized, he turned to my direction and laughed. I laughed also, it was so amusing. Then suddenly a statement came through my mind: “they’re not as clever as you imagine, ‘hat”. Hmm… I felt fresher after that. They stood in the same level with me actually. It’s just hard to realize it.
The show started 20.20. The film itself was a very fresh movie with fresh jokes and fresh air surround me from the air conditioner. If only the film was not funny, or inconsistent funny, I would felt a sleep. But, last night I didn’t. The film serves jokes by jokes in a clever way. The audience forced so that they have no chance to think what the shapes of the jokes are. Suddenly, the peak of jokes came out and all audience laughed together. Hmm… how come they can make a film like this? (Wondering, when will Indonesia able to make this kind of clever film).
Not much that we could do in the theater. We were hypnotized by the film, we talked not much. After all, the air was too much comfort and we didn’t want to miss even one jokes of the film.
Before we went home, I took pictures of us first. Actually they were picture of them, without me. Hiks. But its okay, I satisfied with the pictures as well.
The conclusion is, I still got nervous to meet them. And I’m sure I’ll have the same nervousness every time I meet them. Haaaahh… hopefully I can overcome this weird feeling. It’s not necessary I believe. But I don’t know, I just can eliminate it easily.
aihh.....keren2 kali para engineer muda itu, jd ga PD kalo ketemu manusia2 itu, lo aja nervous,pdhl lo kan makhluk paling PD sejagat raya yg pernah gw kenal, hehehe
masa sih nervous????garing lu hat...
kan maksud ketemuan buat seneng2,biar kita2 ngerasa ga sendirian di Jkt hehehe (oh itu Iya yah)
Emang bener banget Pur. Mereka keren2 banget kan. Cuma yah gua ngerasanya dari dulu. Dari jaman kuliah.
Beneran Iya. Gua sih lebih pengen ketemuannya sih dari pada senang2nya. Penasaran aja. Mengalahkan rasa takut itu.
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