I saw him first, my old colleague pal, stepping in to the boarding room, finding seat across my seat, almost in the corner. I was talking with another friend that time. I knew he was there but I had no intention to go to him, to open the chat. What I thought was if later I met him, accidentally in the airplane, I’ll say hello to him. If not, then, it will be fine also. No one hurts.
While I was talking suddenly he came to us, give his smile to me and offering the handshake. Then, I pretend that I was surprised by his presence, put a very “nice to meet you” face and handshake his hand. It was fake. Very fake. I saw my self very Kabuki that time.
But him, I’m so impressed with him. He came to me first. He came to me easily. I knew it will just annoyed him self to greet me. Note that I’m not having any connection with his life; neither have I brought any opportunity to his life. But once again, he just came. I don’t know what was he think of, but he just came.
Honestly, for me it’s very difficult even just to come. Next time, I’ll try my best, to open the chat, to come to my friend first before him/her, or to greet first before I get the greetings.
I’ll try, I’ll try.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Menghilangkan logat kanak-kanak dalam berbicara
Belakangan ini gua sedang melatih diri sendiri untuk menghilangkan logat atau kesan kekanak-kanakan saat berbicara dengan orang. Dengan orang-orang yang dikasihi sebenarnya ini sah-sah saja, tapi bagaimana kalau hal ini sampai terbawa-bawa setiap saat kita berbicara, apalagi untuk urusan bisnis.
Buat beberapa orang memang hal seperti ini tidak pernah menjadi masalah, tapi buat beberapa orang lainnya (contohnya gua), ini bisa menjadi masalah besar. Contohnya bos gua, dia selalu menilai gua kalo gua orangnya tidak tegas tidak pasti. Gua bisa mengerti dia sebab gaya bicara gua kadang kekanak-kanakan dan tidak penuh keyakinan. Padahal gua adalah orang yang pemberani menurut gua. Dan gua gak setakut itu untuk mengambil keputusan. Hmm…
Kadang orang juga menilai orang dengan gaya bicaranya sih, bukannya contains-nya. Padahal kalo isinya penuh kan gak terlalu penting juga kemasannya. Haha… tapi yah, untuk kedepannya gua yakinlah itu perlu.
Lagi perubahan bukannya sepenuhnya disengaja koq. Makin gede gua, kayaknya hal tersebut terbentuk dengan sendirinya. Gaya bicara gua mulai makin formal dan nada bicara gua juga makin rendah. Bass... bass... bass...
Mungkin kalo gua udah bisa mengatasi ini gua udah cocok jadi bos. Asyik!
Buat beberapa orang memang hal seperti ini tidak pernah menjadi masalah, tapi buat beberapa orang lainnya (contohnya gua), ini bisa menjadi masalah besar. Contohnya bos gua, dia selalu menilai gua kalo gua orangnya tidak tegas tidak pasti. Gua bisa mengerti dia sebab gaya bicara gua kadang kekanak-kanakan dan tidak penuh keyakinan. Padahal gua adalah orang yang pemberani menurut gua. Dan gua gak setakut itu untuk mengambil keputusan. Hmm…
Kadang orang juga menilai orang dengan gaya bicaranya sih, bukannya contains-nya. Padahal kalo isinya penuh kan gak terlalu penting juga kemasannya. Haha… tapi yah, untuk kedepannya gua yakinlah itu perlu.
Lagi perubahan bukannya sepenuhnya disengaja koq. Makin gede gua, kayaknya hal tersebut terbentuk dengan sendirinya. Gaya bicara gua mulai makin formal dan nada bicara gua juga makin rendah. Bass... bass... bass...
Mungkin kalo gua udah bisa mengatasi ini gua udah cocok jadi bos. Asyik!
Monday, August 27, 2007
Proud Makes Perfect
I don't know I just believe in it.
Proud makes perfect.
When someone fights for his/her proud actually they will give the best. Gosh, so much for the arrogance. Someone usually learns very fast, do very strong, force him/her self very hard for the best result. I don’t know, it’s just like the human nature, that someone needs to be praised.
But, when someone does something for someone else, without any revenue, he/she usually does the fare effort. I admit, there are few people who dedicate his/her life for else’s, but most people don’t. People just care about their selves and their needs.
For my self, when I could work for someone else, it is an achievement. Honestly, it’s a hard thing to do. Start from simple one, I never give pennies to orphanages or street singer. I just don’t want to involve in their business nor their life. Don’t be wrong, I don’t want to proud my self, but I don’t want to help others either. I just want to run my life well.
But then I wondering, how life is going well while I don’t help someone else???
I hope I can make it someday. Learning by doing. Advancing by doing.
Proud makes perfect.
When someone fights for his/her proud actually they will give the best. Gosh, so much for the arrogance. Someone usually learns very fast, do very strong, force him/her self very hard for the best result. I don’t know, it’s just like the human nature, that someone needs to be praised.
But, when someone does something for someone else, without any revenue, he/she usually does the fare effort. I admit, there are few people who dedicate his/her life for else’s, but most people don’t. People just care about their selves and their needs.
For my self, when I could work for someone else, it is an achievement. Honestly, it’s a hard thing to do. Start from simple one, I never give pennies to orphanages or street singer. I just don’t want to involve in their business nor their life. Don’t be wrong, I don’t want to proud my self, but I don’t want to help others either. I just want to run my life well.
But then I wondering, how life is going well while I don’t help someone else???
I hope I can make it someday. Learning by doing. Advancing by doing.
He saw me as an annoying person in that fellowship event.
I was not even know he was exist in this world
I ever heard his name as a musician fellowship chief
I still didn’t know which one he was
Someone pointed me which one he was
I said: “oh…” a few minutes again I forgot
I had my own ambition; I treated him as an object
I didn’t believe in his credibility
He asked me to be a singer twice
I refused; I couldn’t even remembered I was asked
He asked me never again
I forgot why suddenly I know him
I lend my hand to help him
He didn’t response
I was in his car, The Taft
It was so alienate
We were in the same project
BUSaNa Hati
I was the director, I saw him as a very fabulous guitar player
I need him that time
He was chosen as a Chief of a Christian fellowship in our university
I never guest. Still thinking: who was he anyway?
I still forget how we could suddenly know each other
I started to respect him
I was asked to be one of the nuclear committee in Christmas Celebration
I accepted it, may be since that time I interact with him
He lived with many rules on that day
I and my other friends persuade him to permit what we wanted
I felt I was already close with him that time.
Wondering how
I forced him to used complete suit on Christmas night celebration
Also to speech
He asked me to join the journey to others College Christian Fellowship in Yogya & Semarang
I joined. It was really fun.
I was asked as one of singer in Easter Celebration
I forgot the lyrics
He noticed. Everyone Noticed.
I was abroad to German and France that year
We started to have jogging time. I was alone, so was he.
I still can’t remember how we could get the routine together
That time I was still walked to Sabuga
We started to chat of so many things
It was not deep
He started to pick me up
Every time we get the routine
He first asked me to pray for his final project
He wished to Graduate on October
He changed his car
I forgot, how can I be so often in this car
He gave his throne to next Christian Fellowship Chief, Ico
He felt free
It was great Service also.
Me and my friends using Black Suite as condolence joke
Now I remember why I was quite close with him
I often attended the Praying Fellowship Time on Wednesday afternoon
I enjoyed it
That’s why
He failed to Graduate on October
He felt sad
We were in the same project
Sang “Yesus Penolong Yang Setia” in Christmas celebration
Again, I forgot the Lyrics.
We started to praise God together
We exchanged lot of gospel songs
We still had our jogging routine in Tuesday and Saturday morning
I started to work as announcer
He often explained me about his final project
I could understand. I was clever.
The impact of jogging time was very good
I started to be very exciting in my study
So were my scores
We started to brainstormed about anything
One that I still remember is his feeling about Sissy, he was very mad about them
Not me, I still felt it was not their guilt to be like that, but I choose to remain silent
It was open-minding
We talked so many things in jogging routine
I learnt from him so much
I still didn’t know him
Breakfast time was started
“Bubur” time was born
I started to asked him to pray for me
He said yes, he wanted to. What a good friend
But still, respectful friend
I asked my friends to heard me when I had the announcing schedule
I loved to spoke their name in radio
He was very busy to finished his final project
He still asked me to have the jogging routine
He started calling me bo
The bo’s was born
He asked me to help him in his final project
It was not too difficult
It was very flattering
Beside “bubur”, we also chased nasi kuning for breakfast
Chasing breakfast
He was got sick and need to rest in hospital
I didn’t know the news.
I felt very guilty
I saw him lying in that bed
He must be very sad of loosing time to finish his final project
He asked me to helped him to restroom, it was flattering
He asked me also to pray for him, I pray seriously to God
He was lying on that bed in hospital
I spread my prays on air, I was announcing it
What a glad to be announcer
He got well
I thank God in it
He started to had “maag” attack
“Bubur” become the most targets
I was out from that radio station
Too many stressful things there
That night on Mike birthday
He used very inappropriate words expressions
Amos birthday
So much fun…
I was asked as Worship Leader on PMK Service
He was the bassist
I did like it so much
We still have our jogging time
I started to call him Bo also
One morning after we get the jogging routine
I was asked to breakfast with him in his house and family
I refused it. I had task to do that morning.
I was very sad
His fans have a very mery extra ordinary idea
Give him a testimonial video about him
I was asked to tape his life
What a project
He learnt extraordinary thing about graduation and about life
It was not lecturer who can make him graduate, but God
Eky’s birthday and AW’s birthday
So much fun
On way home I got no place in his car
He protest to group where should I sit in his car
My place is just about 70m from there
Again, it was very flattering
AW’s colloquium and also His colloquium
Need to tape it. His mom was also there
Great lecturer
Praise Lord, finally he could make it
Many people were taped for his video
What a surprise production
He taught me to play My Redeemer Lives on guitar
He was a great teacher
The graduation day
I was one of the choir members on that Ceremony
I met him, we hug, praise Lord he graduated.
His birthday was coming
Me and mike started to edited all the videos
We spent lot of times and energies
So exhausting
His birthday
We came to his house
Played the video, ate the cake
What a celebration
It was my turn in final project time
My mother got sick; I need to graduate on October
Celebration of AW’s and Eky’s at Chempor
Big table
I started cancelled the routine
I got stress with my final project I become very sensitive
I realized he had so many friends
I thought he didn’t need me anymore
I choose to got back from his life
I contacted him not for couple of months
On that time I still didn’t know him much
I took some digital quiz from email
About color and what type of person am I
He was my red one.
I surprised with the conclusion.
I forgot why we suddenly have the jogging routine again
I told him so much about my stress on final project
And my fears facing the colloquium
It was my colloquium day
They visited me in my lab
I sat on him that day, I couldn’t cover-up my nervousness
I’m so glad they came.
I was so terrified that day.
I sang For All You’ve Done in graduation service
Not too special.
It was my graduation day
Lot of people graduated also, I felt not too special
My family came
I always remember my father on this time
I joined FPS UNPAR Choir Competition after that
I forgot what happened these days
He taught me to drive
He was a good teacher
I remember we, who graduated on Oct’05, treated our friend
But he didn’t come. He said he choose not to come.
Two weeks later I got a job, still in Bandung
I think I was not that close to him that day compared with nowadays
We still have our routine
But this time cut just on Saturday morning
It was my birthday party
I was in Ambon
It was very great there
I received lot of SMS of birthday greetings
When the party held, I held it together with Victor
Very happy, lot of people came
I realized he was not there, he was in Lampung
We were helping Iko for his final project
I knew little about very deep secret of my friend
Two of my friends
We both played to Iko’s house
Not forgot to bought lot of foods
We still have our routine
Plus found breakfast
He took Bass course
I spent lot of my time in ITB Cultural Tour 2006
He spent lot of time with lot of his friends asking him for attend weddings
22 December 2006
A very special moment
Never come again, Christmas like this.
Together with them
A very happy and lovable moment
We took lot of pictures
We made the toast
I cry every time I remember this time
It was so glad with them
After that we went together to my radio station and announced with them
I wondering what Christmas would be without them
Pindy’s birthday party
I was in Jakarta
Several days after
We watched King Kong on theater
I asked him for food from Lampung
He never gave to me because I never asked for the food when he already came to Bandung again
One by one all of us knew the dark secret
We cried together
Everything started to be unwell
We planed Vanny’s birthday party
It was a very nutty idea
I couldn’t made it for Vanny’s birthday
My father in ICU
A day later, my father was died
It was so sad
I confused with all things that I should deal for the funeral
I’m so glad there were came
They hug me one by one
Thank you mates
I started to feel everything went not right
I was very sad
I never asked they always came visited me
Thanks God they were there
I hesitated to continue the ICT Program
He was there for me to listen
I dare not to ask them out
I just scared. Scared of refusing
He stated not to attend master class on that year
He said it was late
I was so sad
My family started has lot of problems
Big problems
I was so doomed
They were there for me
Message me, visited me, and else’s
They are my second family
He in to my heart slowly
Rather than a senior
He became my friend
Paul asked us to celebrate his farewell party
I didn’t come. I lazy to meet them
Vanny also has the bad news
It made me more stressful
Pindy also had problem
Big problem
Very slowly he turned out to be a very important person in my life
I couldn’t realized it
Too smooth
Another bad news came from my family in Jakarta
I was trembled
I sent them messages
They were there pray for me
At this point
I was still afraid of being asked him to company me
I was afraid of refuses’
I still hesitated if he didn’t see me as I see him
I choose moved from my boarding house to my office mess
He stated his opinion. He tried to hold me to stay.
He didn’t make it.
After the move I felt so lonely
I cried my self
Most busy time ever
They often came to my room
Gosh, I so thankful for them
A very bad news came again from my family
I asked him to picked me up in the Train Station
I just wanted a company from him
I can’t tell him anything
It’s family secret
Even I really want to share it with him
It was so heavy to carry all those things alone
I cooked for them noodles
It was untasty
I made it with love
I knew exactly they tasted my love rather than my noodles
We went to dinner together
Hmmh… it’s very good
We ate pork
I went to Xiamen Chinna for 4th World Choir Games
I wanted to have farewell party on Monday night
They couldn’t read it
They made the party on Tuesday night
I still glad for the party
I love them very much
I was in China
They sent me messages
Miss them. Hope them with me that time
“Where have you been?”
He asked in the Supermarket
I replied: “I was around”
“I message you, you were not there” He insist
“The message was not came in”, my defensive
I like he asked me like that. I felt important for him.
It was his birthday
We spent the night in Riau
We gave him the book
I choosed not to be afraid of him again
I convinced my self that he was an important for me and vice versa
I was tired afraid to ask him out
I convinced my self he was best friend
We in a very big group went to the peak of Bandung
The Cellar.
Hmmh… like reunion. We all laugh together.
I sat in front like usual, take care of everything
I spoke loud to Paul, everyone said that I was angry
I was not
Again a very unforgettable moment
Horizon hotel Oct 13 2006
My office training
I asked them to stay in hotel together with me in that room
We had so much fun
We even got the breakfast altogether
Dunkin Doughnuts’
Buret shall move to Jakarta
We celebrate it in Premier, Ciwalk
Hmmm… taste good
It was my birthday party
They came to my house at the start of the day
By time of 00.45
I told them all in my heart
I told them all yoke
I felt free
I felt they are my second family
I need to move to Jakarta for a couple of months
It was my farewell party and also my birthday party
The venue is Kampung Daun
The food tastes very good
I satisfied, very satisfied, very tired.
I was in Jakarta, still communicate with them
I miss them so much
I went to Bandung a couple of time
Together with them.
It was a very blue Christmas without them
Don’t know why, don’t’ know how
We celebrated it through SMS’
We celebrate Pindy’s Birthday on Atmosfer
A very weird incident happened
We recognized it by unintended person came
He wrote a letter for Pindy
Before that, they saw me for the concert
He always watched me but I never.
Quite sad to realize that.
Suddenly, very sudden
I transferred back to Bandung
I saw him very glad.
Like his “spirit” prayer came true
We altogether back to Bandung
We celebrated the valentine together
In Bandung
Very Pleasing
But No Vanny
It was weird without her
We captured Vanny in her boarding house
We dine together.
She told us her story
Everything goes back to normal
Everything made me fall in love with them
Very much
He fought with his Junior High School friend
He went to my house together with Pindy
They spent one night with me
It was my first chat with Bo
A very open chat
I felt so much close with him
Never been closed before
I got back to routine with Bo
We jogged together at Sabuga at the Morning
We dine together with the Bo’s
And also through the Taman Sari road beside ITB at night
No border any longer around us
They are my heaven
I need to found new job with more payment
He prayed with me for the Job
It was the greatest week for in Bandung
We helped Pindy with her Exam
We played together around
Made the present for Vanny
Vanny’s birthday party
And my farewell to Jakarta
They are my heaven
It was the sadness
Pindy couldn’t made it again this time
It was really sad
But Bo & bo were there
I thank u for them
I went to Bandung for Choir Practicing
They were there for me
He cancelled all of his meeting because of me
Very flattered
Vanny met the problem
This time we were not there
Everyone leave
I phoned her
Bo’s planned for his farewell
I couldn’t joined it
I lied to him
The farewell held in Jakarta
Izzy Pizza, Karaoke
Very sad
But too short
We planned for the 2nd farewell
15 minutes conference call meeting
Very merry effective and efficient
The 2nd farewell party
Perfecto grande
I and Pindy had one additional night
Hoooaaah… very naughty
It was a great hugs
Very warm
Still can feel it till now
I thought I will never meet him again until at the airport
He came to my house visiting me
My entire love secret revealed
New routine
Hightech, Technoman
He was cried on the phone
I listened to him
It was grace to heard his sober
Gracefully thanks
He went for Germany yesterday
It was so “hambar”
But still I could felt his love from his tone
Farewell my friend
My best friend
To be continued in the next 2 or 5 years…

He saw me as an annoying person in that fellowship event.
I was not even know he was exist in this world
I ever heard his name as a musician fellowship chief
I still didn’t know which one he was
Someone pointed me which one he was
I said: “oh…” a few minutes again I forgot
I had my own ambition; I treated him as an object
I didn’t believe in his credibility
He asked me to be a singer twice
I refused; I couldn’t even remembered I was asked
He asked me never again
I forgot why suddenly I know him
I lend my hand to help him
He didn’t response
I was in his car, The Taft
It was so alienate
We were in the same project
BUSaNa Hati
I was the director, I saw him as a very fabulous guitar player
I need him that time
He was chosen as a Chief of a Christian fellowship in our university
I never guest. Still thinking: who was he anyway?
I still forget how we could suddenly know each other
I started to respect him
I was asked to be one of the nuclear committee in Christmas Celebration
I accepted it, may be since that time I interact with him
He lived with many rules on that day
I and my other friends persuade him to permit what we wanted
I felt I was already close with him that time.
Wondering how
I forced him to used complete suit on Christmas night celebration
Also to speech
He asked me to join the journey to others College Christian Fellowship in Yogya & Semarang
I joined. It was really fun.
I was asked as one of singer in Easter Celebration
I forgot the lyrics
He noticed. Everyone Noticed.
I was abroad to German and France that year
We started to have jogging time. I was alone, so was he.
I still can’t remember how we could get the routine together
That time I was still walked to Sabuga
We started to chat of so many things
It was not deep
He started to pick me up
Every time we get the routine
He first asked me to pray for his final project
He wished to Graduate on October
He changed his car
I forgot, how can I be so often in this car
He gave his throne to next Christian Fellowship Chief, Ico
He felt free
It was great Service also.
Me and my friends using Black Suite as condolence joke
Now I remember why I was quite close with him
I often attended the Praying Fellowship Time on Wednesday afternoon
I enjoyed it
That’s why
He failed to Graduate on October
He felt sad
We were in the same project
Sang “Yesus Penolong Yang Setia” in Christmas celebration
Again, I forgot the Lyrics.
We started to praise God together
We exchanged lot of gospel songs
We still had our jogging routine in Tuesday and Saturday morning
I started to work as announcer
He often explained me about his final project
I could understand. I was clever.
The impact of jogging time was very good
I started to be very exciting in my study
So were my scores
We started to brainstormed about anything
One that I still remember is his feeling about Sissy, he was very mad about them
Not me, I still felt it was not their guilt to be like that, but I choose to remain silent
It was open-minding
We talked so many things in jogging routine
I learnt from him so much
I still didn’t know him
Breakfast time was started
“Bubur” time was born
I started to asked him to pray for me
He said yes, he wanted to. What a good friend
But still, respectful friend
I asked my friends to heard me when I had the announcing schedule
I loved to spoke their name in radio
He was very busy to finished his final project
He still asked me to have the jogging routine
He started calling me bo
The bo’s was born
He asked me to help him in his final project
It was not too difficult
It was very flattering
Beside “bubur”, we also chased nasi kuning for breakfast
Chasing breakfast
He was got sick and need to rest in hospital
I didn’t know the news.
I felt very guilty
I saw him lying in that bed
He must be very sad of loosing time to finish his final project
He asked me to helped him to restroom, it was flattering
He asked me also to pray for him, I pray seriously to God
He was lying on that bed in hospital
I spread my prays on air, I was announcing it
What a glad to be announcer
He got well
I thank God in it
He started to had “maag” attack
“Bubur” become the most targets
I was out from that radio station
Too many stressful things there
That night on Mike birthday
He used very inappropriate words expressions
Amos birthday
So much fun…
I was asked as Worship Leader on PMK Service
He was the bassist
I did like it so much
We still have our jogging time
I started to call him Bo also
One morning after we get the jogging routine
I was asked to breakfast with him in his house and family
I refused it. I had task to do that morning.
I was very sad
His fans have a very mery extra ordinary idea
Give him a testimonial video about him
I was asked to tape his life
What a project
He learnt extraordinary thing about graduation and about life
It was not lecturer who can make him graduate, but God
Eky’s birthday and AW’s birthday
So much fun
On way home I got no place in his car
He protest to group where should I sit in his car
My place is just about 70m from there
Again, it was very flattering
AW’s colloquium and also His colloquium
Need to tape it. His mom was also there
Great lecturer
Praise Lord, finally he could make it
Many people were taped for his video
What a surprise production
He taught me to play My Redeemer Lives on guitar
He was a great teacher
The graduation day
I was one of the choir members on that Ceremony
I met him, we hug, praise Lord he graduated.
His birthday was coming
Me and mike started to edited all the videos
We spent lot of times and energies
So exhausting
His birthday
We came to his house
Played the video, ate the cake
What a celebration
It was my turn in final project time
My mother got sick; I need to graduate on October
Celebration of AW’s and Eky’s at Chempor
Big table
I started cancelled the routine
I got stress with my final project I become very sensitive
I realized he had so many friends
I thought he didn’t need me anymore
I choose to got back from his life
I contacted him not for couple of months
On that time I still didn’t know him much
I took some digital quiz from email
About color and what type of person am I
He was my red one.
I surprised with the conclusion.
I forgot why we suddenly have the jogging routine again
I told him so much about my stress on final project
And my fears facing the colloquium
It was my colloquium day
They visited me in my lab
I sat on him that day, I couldn’t cover-up my nervousness
I’m so glad they came.
I was so terrified that day.
I sang For All You’ve Done in graduation service
Not too special.
It was my graduation day
Lot of people graduated also, I felt not too special
My family came
I always remember my father on this time
I joined FPS UNPAR Choir Competition after that
I forgot what happened these days
He taught me to drive
He was a good teacher
I remember we, who graduated on Oct’05, treated our friend
But he didn’t come. He said he choose not to come.
Two weeks later I got a job, still in Bandung
I think I was not that close to him that day compared with nowadays
We still have our routine
But this time cut just on Saturday morning
It was my birthday party
I was in Ambon
It was very great there
I received lot of SMS of birthday greetings
When the party held, I held it together with Victor
Very happy, lot of people came
I realized he was not there, he was in Lampung
We were helping Iko for his final project
I knew little about very deep secret of my friend
Two of my friends
We both played to Iko’s house
Not forgot to bought lot of foods
We still have our routine
Plus found breakfast
He took Bass course
I spent lot of my time in ITB Cultural Tour 2006
He spent lot of time with lot of his friends asking him for attend weddings
22 December 2006
A very special moment
Never come again, Christmas like this.
Together with them
A very happy and lovable moment
We took lot of pictures
We made the toast
I cry every time I remember this time
It was so glad with them
After that we went together to my radio station and announced with them
I wondering what Christmas would be without them
Pindy’s birthday party
I was in Jakarta
Several days after
We watched King Kong on theater
I asked him for food from Lampung
He never gave to me because I never asked for the food when he already came to Bandung again
One by one all of us knew the dark secret
We cried together
Everything started to be unwell
We planed Vanny’s birthday party
It was a very nutty idea
I couldn’t made it for Vanny’s birthday
My father in ICU
A day later, my father was died
It was so sad
I confused with all things that I should deal for the funeral
I’m so glad there were came
They hug me one by one
Thank you mates
I started to feel everything went not right
I was very sad
I never asked they always came visited me
Thanks God they were there
I hesitated to continue the ICT Program
He was there for me to listen
I dare not to ask them out
I just scared. Scared of refusing
He stated not to attend master class on that year
He said it was late
I was so sad
My family started has lot of problems
Big problems
I was so doomed
They were there for me
Message me, visited me, and else’s
They are my second family
He in to my heart slowly
Rather than a senior
He became my friend
Paul asked us to celebrate his farewell party
I didn’t come. I lazy to meet them
Vanny also has the bad news
It made me more stressful
Pindy also had problem
Big problem
Very slowly he turned out to be a very important person in my life
I couldn’t realized it
Too smooth
Another bad news came from my family in Jakarta
I was trembled
I sent them messages
They were there pray for me
At this point
I was still afraid of being asked him to company me
I was afraid of refuses’
I still hesitated if he didn’t see me as I see him
I choose moved from my boarding house to my office mess
He stated his opinion. He tried to hold me to stay.
He didn’t make it.
After the move I felt so lonely
I cried my self
Most busy time ever
They often came to my room
Gosh, I so thankful for them
A very bad news came again from my family
I asked him to picked me up in the Train Station
I just wanted a company from him
I can’t tell him anything
It’s family secret
Even I really want to share it with him
It was so heavy to carry all those things alone
I cooked for them noodles
It was untasty
I made it with love
I knew exactly they tasted my love rather than my noodles
We went to dinner together
Hmmh… it’s very good
We ate pork
I went to Xiamen Chinna for 4th World Choir Games
I wanted to have farewell party on Monday night
They couldn’t read it
They made the party on Tuesday night
I still glad for the party
I love them very much
I was in China
They sent me messages
Miss them. Hope them with me that time
“Where have you been?”
He asked in the Supermarket
I replied: “I was around”
“I message you, you were not there” He insist
“The message was not came in”, my defensive
I like he asked me like that. I felt important for him.
It was his birthday
We spent the night in Riau
We gave him the book
I choosed not to be afraid of him again
I convinced my self that he was an important for me and vice versa
I was tired afraid to ask him out
I convinced my self he was best friend
We in a very big group went to the peak of Bandung
The Cellar.
Hmmh… like reunion. We all laugh together.
I sat in front like usual, take care of everything
I spoke loud to Paul, everyone said that I was angry
I was not
Again a very unforgettable moment
Horizon hotel Oct 13 2006
My office training
I asked them to stay in hotel together with me in that room
We had so much fun
We even got the breakfast altogether
Dunkin Doughnuts’
Buret shall move to Jakarta
We celebrate it in Premier, Ciwalk
Hmmm… taste good
It was my birthday party
They came to my house at the start of the day
By time of 00.45
I told them all in my heart
I told them all yoke
I felt free
I felt they are my second family
I need to move to Jakarta for a couple of months
It was my farewell party and also my birthday party
The venue is Kampung Daun
The food tastes very good
I satisfied, very satisfied, very tired.
I was in Jakarta, still communicate with them
I miss them so much
I went to Bandung a couple of time
Together with them.
It was a very blue Christmas without them
Don’t know why, don’t’ know how
We celebrated it through SMS’
We celebrate Pindy’s Birthday on Atmosfer
A very weird incident happened
We recognized it by unintended person came
He wrote a letter for Pindy
Before that, they saw me for the concert
He always watched me but I never.
Quite sad to realize that.
Suddenly, very sudden
I transferred back to Bandung
I saw him very glad.
Like his “spirit” prayer came true
We altogether back to Bandung
We celebrated the valentine together
In Bandung
Very Pleasing
But No Vanny
It was weird without her
We captured Vanny in her boarding house
We dine together.
She told us her story
Everything goes back to normal
Everything made me fall in love with them
Very much
He fought with his Junior High School friend
He went to my house together with Pindy
They spent one night with me
It was my first chat with Bo
A very open chat
I felt so much close with him
Never been closed before
I got back to routine with Bo
We jogged together at Sabuga at the Morning
We dine together with the Bo’s
And also through the Taman Sari road beside ITB at night
No border any longer around us
They are my heaven
I need to found new job with more payment
He prayed with me for the Job
It was the greatest week for in Bandung
We helped Pindy with her Exam
We played together around
Made the present for Vanny
Vanny’s birthday party
And my farewell to Jakarta
They are my heaven
It was the sadness
Pindy couldn’t made it again this time
It was really sad
But Bo & bo were there
I thank u for them
I went to Bandung for Choir Practicing
They were there for me
He cancelled all of his meeting because of me
Very flattered
Vanny met the problem
This time we were not there
Everyone leave
I phoned her
Bo’s planned for his farewell
I couldn’t joined it
I lied to him
The farewell held in Jakarta
Izzy Pizza, Karaoke
Very sad
But too short
We planned for the 2nd farewell
15 minutes conference call meeting
Very merry effective and efficient
The 2nd farewell party
Perfecto grande
I and Pindy had one additional night
Hoooaaah… very naughty
It was a great hugs
Very warm
Still can feel it till now
I thought I will never meet him again until at the airport
He came to my house visiting me
My entire love secret revealed
New routine
Hightech, Technoman
He was cried on the phone
I listened to him
It was grace to heard his sober
Gracefully thanks
He went for Germany yesterday
It was so “hambar”
But still I could felt his love from his tone
Farewell my friend
My best friend
To be continued in the next 2 or 5 years…
Monday, August 20, 2007
Nat King Cole - I Love You For a Sentimental Reasons

Very much like this song...
very much
I love you for sentimental reasons
I hope you do believe me
I'll give you my heart
I love you and you alone were meant for me
Please give your loving heart to me
And say we'll never part
I think of you every morning
Dream of you every night
Darling, i'm never lonely
Whenever you are in sight
I love you for sentimental reasons
I hope you do believe me
I've given you my heart
Surabaya oh Surabaya oh Surabaya…
Ini adalah pengalaman pertama gua ke kota ini, Surabaya. Agak deg-degan juga waktu pergi ke sini. Bukan deg-degan karena kota barunya sih, melainkan kerjaannya. Pengalaman terakhir, yang adalah juga pengalaman pertama, gua bareng Pak Didik sang mentor. Kalo kali ini, I’m completely alone, single fighter. Wuiiihh... Nervous bo.
Pertama kali mendarat kota ini rasanya mirip Bahrain. Nggak separah di Bahrain sih, tapi ada kesan mirip antara udara di Surabaya dan Bahrain. Tapi tentunya panasnya Bahrain 10 kali dari Surabaya. Cuma rada mirip aja. Di jemput oleh supir dari Ericsson Surabaya, Pak Agus Dodo, gua langsung ngacir menuju Hotel. Kali ini gua tinggal di Hotel Sahid Surabaya. Gua belom bisa menilai banyak mengenai kota ini waktu itu. Soalnya udah malem. Gua nyampe Surabaya aja udah jam 10.40-an.
Paginya baru gua bisa melihat kota Surabaya. Kota ini lumayan rapih. Dibanding Jakarta, jalan-jalan di Surabaya lebih rapih. Dan lebih bersih juga. Macetnya gak terlalu macetlah kayak Jakarta. Tapi yang pasti emang lebih panas dari Jakarta sih. Surabaya sendiri nampaknya jauh lebih ramah dari Jakarta. Di samping orang-orangnya yang suka guyon, kota ini nampaknya sedang tersenyum pada gua. Kota ini bernuansa cerah. Harga makanannya gak terlalu mahal-mahal. Taksinya juga. Yang pasti gua lebih suka ama kota ini dibanding Jakarta. Di sini banyak gedung tinggi kayak di Jakarta, tapi ya gitu, gak segemerlap Jakarta.
Ternyata eh ternyata RNC yang akan gua Power-Up masih belom siap. Malah jauh dari siap. Alhasil, gua dipersilahkan balik lagi ke Jakarta sama Projet Manager gua. Tuiiinggg... gua langsung mati gaya. Garing banget, baru sehari nyampe udah disuruh pulang.Untung ada temen lama gua, yang nemenin gua di Hotel. Akhirnya gua jalan-jalan deh ke Rawon Setan, Tunjungan Plaza, dan juga Stasiun Gubeng. Huahahaha... seru banget deh ternyata jalan-jalan di Surabaya. Pluuusssss... gua jalan-jalan pas Dirgahayu Kemerdekaan RI. Jadinya agak rame, sarat dengan lomba-lomba 17-an. Hahaha... ada yang lomba futsal pake daster, ada upacara bendera, dsb.
Gua belom tau banyak sih tentang Surabaya itu sendiri. Tapi yang pasti gua sukalah di kota ini. Pastinya sih gak lama lagi gua akan balik lagi ke kota ini ngerjain RNSBY02. Tapi dipastikan, kali nanti, saat gua balik lagi, gua udah lebih siap untuk pekerjaan gua.
Pertama kali mendarat kota ini rasanya mirip Bahrain. Nggak separah di Bahrain sih, tapi ada kesan mirip antara udara di Surabaya dan Bahrain. Tapi tentunya panasnya Bahrain 10 kali dari Surabaya. Cuma rada mirip aja. Di jemput oleh supir dari Ericsson Surabaya, Pak Agus Dodo, gua langsung ngacir menuju Hotel. Kali ini gua tinggal di Hotel Sahid Surabaya. Gua belom bisa menilai banyak mengenai kota ini waktu itu. Soalnya udah malem. Gua nyampe Surabaya aja udah jam 10.40-an.
Paginya baru gua bisa melihat kota Surabaya. Kota ini lumayan rapih. Dibanding Jakarta, jalan-jalan di Surabaya lebih rapih. Dan lebih bersih juga. Macetnya gak terlalu macetlah kayak Jakarta. Tapi yang pasti emang lebih panas dari Jakarta sih. Surabaya sendiri nampaknya jauh lebih ramah dari Jakarta. Di samping orang-orangnya yang suka guyon, kota ini nampaknya sedang tersenyum pada gua. Kota ini bernuansa cerah. Harga makanannya gak terlalu mahal-mahal. Taksinya juga. Yang pasti gua lebih suka ama kota ini dibanding Jakarta. Di sini banyak gedung tinggi kayak di Jakarta, tapi ya gitu, gak segemerlap Jakarta.
Ternyata eh ternyata RNC yang akan gua Power-Up masih belom siap. Malah jauh dari siap. Alhasil, gua dipersilahkan balik lagi ke Jakarta sama Projet Manager gua. Tuiiinggg... gua langsung mati gaya. Garing banget, baru sehari nyampe udah disuruh pulang.Untung ada temen lama gua, yang nemenin gua di Hotel. Akhirnya gua jalan-jalan deh ke Rawon Setan, Tunjungan Plaza, dan juga Stasiun Gubeng. Huahahaha... seru banget deh ternyata jalan-jalan di Surabaya. Pluuusssss... gua jalan-jalan pas Dirgahayu Kemerdekaan RI. Jadinya agak rame, sarat dengan lomba-lomba 17-an. Hahaha... ada yang lomba futsal pake daster, ada upacara bendera, dsb.
Gua belom tau banyak sih tentang Surabaya itu sendiri. Tapi yang pasti gua sukalah di kota ini. Pastinya sih gak lama lagi gua akan balik lagi ke kota ini ngerjain RNSBY02. Tapi dipastikan, kali nanti, saat gua balik lagi, gua udah lebih siap untuk pekerjaan gua.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Serba-serbi menuju bandara (sebelum ide itu akhirnya hilang)
Menuju Bandara...
Di jalan gua sepertinya berhak menelanjangi setiap orang dengan pandangan gua. Dengan kaca transparan buram sekitar 60% kayaknya gua berhak melihat secara detail setiap orang yang gua lewatin. Yang lebih aneh lagi, gua sepertinya berhak menilai mereka begitu saja. Lihat tampang mereka dan menilai kalau dia adalah karya Tuhan yang jelek, kurang sempurna. Atau, ah dia biasa-biasa saja. Atau, dasar gak ngerti fashion pakaian gak nyambung banget. Atau, waaahh.. cantiknya. Dan lain-lain. Manusia emang suka menilai. Apa lagi pada saat pandangan pertama. Manusia cenderung untuk memetakan kepribadian orang bahkan sebelum perkenalan terjadi. Heran!
Gua mencoba menjadi orang yang ramah kala itu. Tepatnya, gua memaksakan diri gua untuk ramah sore itu.
”Pak Nelson Halak Kita yah?”
Dia menjawab, ”nggak Pak, saya dari Padang”
Tweng.. tweng.. tweng.. tweng... Udah mencoba ramah dan bergumul dengan diri sendiri selama 5 menit untuk menyapa sang supir taksi, tiba-tiba gagal. Runtuh semua... Gua pikir usaha itu akan bagus sampai akhirnya kami terlibat pembicaraan sampai dengan Bandara. Ternyata, gagal. Selanjutnya, kami diam membeku selama hampir 1 jam terakhir.
Gua teringat akan kamar gua di Bandung. Sulanjana X nomor 1. Gua teringat akan kenangan-kenangan yang ada di dalamnya. Kenangan itu menyambar. Tiba-tiba gua kangen dengan si Avanza Merah tempat kami bersenda gurau. Selanjutnya gua mendengarkan rekaman-rekaman suara dan lagu yang pernah gua buat dengan teman-teman terkasih. Gua rindu banget kepada kamar itu. Suasana itu. Suasana yang hangat, bersahabat, penuh sayang, penuh kasih di kamar tersebut. Gua rindu Bandung. Gua rindu kehidupan gua dulu di Bandung.
Seseorang memberikan selembar uang 100 ribu rupiah kepada si adik penyemir sepatu. Anak itu bahkan tidak menyemir sepatu orang itu. what a very generous act.
Di jalan gua sepertinya berhak menelanjangi setiap orang dengan pandangan gua. Dengan kaca transparan buram sekitar 60% kayaknya gua berhak melihat secara detail setiap orang yang gua lewatin. Yang lebih aneh lagi, gua sepertinya berhak menilai mereka begitu saja. Lihat tampang mereka dan menilai kalau dia adalah karya Tuhan yang jelek, kurang sempurna. Atau, ah dia biasa-biasa saja. Atau, dasar gak ngerti fashion pakaian gak nyambung banget. Atau, waaahh.. cantiknya. Dan lain-lain. Manusia emang suka menilai. Apa lagi pada saat pandangan pertama. Manusia cenderung untuk memetakan kepribadian orang bahkan sebelum perkenalan terjadi. Heran!
Gua mencoba menjadi orang yang ramah kala itu. Tepatnya, gua memaksakan diri gua untuk ramah sore itu.
”Pak Nelson Halak Kita yah?”
Dia menjawab, ”nggak Pak, saya dari Padang”
Tweng.. tweng.. tweng.. tweng... Udah mencoba ramah dan bergumul dengan diri sendiri selama 5 menit untuk menyapa sang supir taksi, tiba-tiba gagal. Runtuh semua... Gua pikir usaha itu akan bagus sampai akhirnya kami terlibat pembicaraan sampai dengan Bandara. Ternyata, gagal. Selanjutnya, kami diam membeku selama hampir 1 jam terakhir.
Gua teringat akan kamar gua di Bandung. Sulanjana X nomor 1. Gua teringat akan kenangan-kenangan yang ada di dalamnya. Kenangan itu menyambar. Tiba-tiba gua kangen dengan si Avanza Merah tempat kami bersenda gurau. Selanjutnya gua mendengarkan rekaman-rekaman suara dan lagu yang pernah gua buat dengan teman-teman terkasih. Gua rindu banget kepada kamar itu. Suasana itu. Suasana yang hangat, bersahabat, penuh sayang, penuh kasih di kamar tersebut. Gua rindu Bandung. Gua rindu kehidupan gua dulu di Bandung.
Seseorang memberikan selembar uang 100 ribu rupiah kepada si adik penyemir sepatu. Anak itu bahkan tidak menyemir sepatu orang itu. what a very generous act.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Iklan Dirgahayu Indonesiaku

Tapi bukan itu yang pengen gua omongin sekarang ini.
Gua terkesan dengan Iklan Dirgahayu Indonesia buatan salah satu produk rokok di Indonesia. Emang kalo Iklan Rokok mah bagus-bagus. Waktu natal 2006 dan tahun baru 2007 lalu iklan dengan konsep mirip juga pernah di putar. Dan iklan rokok juga. Iklannya tuh banyak bercerita tentang alam Indonesia. Kekayaan Indonesia. Kekayaan alam, keragaman budaya, kecantikan Ibu Pertiwi, Kecantikan model iklan juga (huehehehehe), anak-anak dari segala suku, dsb.
Seharusnya sih dengan melihat iklan itu gua makin bangga sama Indonesia. Tapi kenyataanya gua sedih banget liat iklan itu. Hmm... koq bisa yah bangsa sebesar ini, negara sekaya ini menderita banget dalam hidup. Banyak rakyatnya yang miskin, anak terlantar, koruspi di mana-mana, kejahatan merajalela. Huiiihh... Besar deh harapan gua atas bangsa ini. Gua sendiri beneran pengen banget berjuang buat bangsa ini. Gua pengen menimba ilmu lagi banyak-banyak dari mana-mana teruntuk bangsa ini. Kalo gak tar gua ngomong doang tapi sebenernya gak tau apa-apa.
Gua gak bisa nyalahin pemimpin-pemimpin juga sih untuk apa yang terjadi di bangsa ini. Soalnya gua bukan dia. Jadi gua gak ngerti rasanya jadi mereka. Tapi minimal gua berdoalah buat mereka. Agar for those who needed, they are touched by truth. Mungkin baru segitu doang sih yang bisa gua lakukan. Setia berdoa buat bangsa ini dan melakukan apa yang harus gua lakukan dalam keseharian gua.
Gua yakinlah bangsa ini akan menjadi lebih baik ke depan. Gua yakin itu...
Teruntuk Indonesiaku
Dirgahayu ke-62
Monday, August 13, 2007
Menyalahkan Jakarta
Gua dalam tulisan-tulisan gua gak akan pernah nulis sesuatu yang gak bener-bener menginspirasi gua atau gak keluar dari hati gua (makanya judul blog gua: Goresan-goresan Hari). Tapi gak tau yah belakangan ini inspirasi itu semakin menipis.
Gua bisa dan berani menyalahkan Jakarta untuk hal itu. Waktu gua di Bandung gua gak begini. Jakarta dengan segala kesumpekannya, dengan segala kepadatannya, dengan segala kericuhannya, kesibukannya, polusinya, keletihannya membuat hati gua itu semakin mengeras seperti batu. Alhasil sedikit banget tulisan-tulisan hati gua yang terproduksi. Waktu gua di Bandung, menghirup udara pagi yang segar, berjalan kaki untuk mendapatkan angkot, berada di angkot, jalan bareng temen di malam hari, ngobrol-ngobrol dsb. kayaknya semuanya tuh inpirasional. Kalo sekarang, aduh mau ngobrol aja males deh. Ngabis-ngabisin energi aja, mending gua tidur.
Kayaknya gua bener-bener butuh liburan nih ampe mikir kayak gini... hehe
Gua bisa dan berani menyalahkan Jakarta untuk hal itu. Waktu gua di Bandung gua gak begini. Jakarta dengan segala kesumpekannya, dengan segala kepadatannya, dengan segala kericuhannya, kesibukannya, polusinya, keletihannya membuat hati gua itu semakin mengeras seperti batu. Alhasil sedikit banget tulisan-tulisan hati gua yang terproduksi. Waktu gua di Bandung, menghirup udara pagi yang segar, berjalan kaki untuk mendapatkan angkot, berada di angkot, jalan bareng temen di malam hari, ngobrol-ngobrol dsb. kayaknya semuanya tuh inpirasional. Kalo sekarang, aduh mau ngobrol aja males deh. Ngabis-ngabisin energi aja, mending gua tidur.
Kayaknya gua bener-bener butuh liburan nih ampe mikir kayak gini... hehe
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Nonton Mendadak Dangdut
Secara gua emang jadi suka genre dangdut belakangan ini, makin kloplah gua setelah nonton film ini. Hehehehehhe...
Kemaren tuh liburan pemilu cagub Jakarta. Acara yang tepat untuk liburan tengah minggu kayak gitu adalah nonton DVD.
Film pertama yang gua tonton adalah Transformer. Lumayan juga gua pikir. Tapi untuk tekno yang sehebat itu gua kurang agak puas ama jalan ceritanya. Apalagi disisipi dengan jokes-jokes yang nurut gua kurang cocok ama jenis musik yang menakutkan kayak gitu.
Film kedua adalah MENDADAK DANGDUT. Gua suka banget film ini. Apalagi ama Yati Asgarrrrrr!!! Yang adalah kependekan dari Asli garrrrrrrutttttt. Huwahahahahahha... kocak banget. Tapi gua suka banget falsapah dia sebagai seorang penyanyi dangdut.
Sebenernya film jenis gini kayaknya lahan yang sangat empuk untuk suatu riset dalam akting. Titi Kamal sendiri yang berperan sebagai Patricia a.k.a Iis Maduma sepertinya kurang menggali karakter yang harusnya dia mainkan. Sebagai orang yang culas dan ketus emang aktingnya dapet. Tapi sebagai penyanyi nampaknya dia kurang menggali. Kakaknya dia juga, kayaknya kurang banget aktingnya sebagai manajer seorang artis. Nampaknya koq kurang gimana gituh...
Walopun semua kekurangan tadi udah ditutup-tutupi dengan si sutradara dan ide cerita, tapi tetep aja nurut gua, itu jadinya seperti menghindari ketidakbolehan akting para aktris dan aktor itu.
Jadi teringat sama aktingnya Russel Crow dalam film Cinderella Man. Dia bener-bener belajar tinju dan bener-bener mampu mengatasi tantangan menjadi seorang petinju. Apalagi waktu dia jadi Prof. Freak John Nash dalam film A beautiful Mind. Hmm.. pantes dia dapet Oscar.
Tapi gua suka, film Mendadak Dangdut ini sarat dengan isu kebangsaan yang emang jadi masalah bangsa ini belakangan. Pesan-pesan moril yang diangkat juga keren dan progress penyampaiannya smooth. Sukalah gua ama filmnya. Lumayan... film Indonesia makin maju.
Maju terus insan perfilman Indonesia.
Satu lagi,
Garut is the best.
Kemaren tuh liburan pemilu cagub Jakarta. Acara yang tepat untuk liburan tengah minggu kayak gitu adalah nonton DVD.
Film pertama yang gua tonton adalah Transformer. Lumayan juga gua pikir. Tapi untuk tekno yang sehebat itu gua kurang agak puas ama jalan ceritanya. Apalagi disisipi dengan jokes-jokes yang nurut gua kurang cocok ama jenis musik yang menakutkan kayak gitu.
Film kedua adalah MENDADAK DANGDUT. Gua suka banget film ini. Apalagi ama Yati Asgarrrrrr!!! Yang adalah kependekan dari Asli garrrrrrrutttttt. Huwahahahahahha... kocak banget. Tapi gua suka banget falsapah dia sebagai seorang penyanyi dangdut.
Tugas penyanyi dangdut adalah menghibur penontonnya. Mereka-mereka yangGitu kira-kira kata Yati Asgarrrrrrr waktu ngajari Iis Maduma. Yang adalah kependekan dari masuk-duduk-mabok. Emang aneh-aneh tuh nama-nama karangan Reza-sang pemain organ tunggal. Ada juga namanya Vetty Mandi Madu, oops salah, manis madu. Hwuahahahaha... pokoknya kocak deh.
tiap hari untuk makan aja sulit, hidup sulit harus dihibur. Melalui goyang
dangdut biarkan mereka meninggalkan sejenak penat mereka dan menikmati
kesenangan itu.
Sebenernya film jenis gini kayaknya lahan yang sangat empuk untuk suatu riset dalam akting. Titi Kamal sendiri yang berperan sebagai Patricia a.k.a Iis Maduma sepertinya kurang menggali karakter yang harusnya dia mainkan. Sebagai orang yang culas dan ketus emang aktingnya dapet. Tapi sebagai penyanyi nampaknya dia kurang menggali. Kakaknya dia juga, kayaknya kurang banget aktingnya sebagai manajer seorang artis. Nampaknya koq kurang gimana gituh...
Walopun semua kekurangan tadi udah ditutup-tutupi dengan si sutradara dan ide cerita, tapi tetep aja nurut gua, itu jadinya seperti menghindari ketidakbolehan akting para aktris dan aktor itu.
Jadi teringat sama aktingnya Russel Crow dalam film Cinderella Man. Dia bener-bener belajar tinju dan bener-bener mampu mengatasi tantangan menjadi seorang petinju. Apalagi waktu dia jadi Prof. Freak John Nash dalam film A beautiful Mind. Hmm.. pantes dia dapet Oscar.
Tapi gua suka, film Mendadak Dangdut ini sarat dengan isu kebangsaan yang emang jadi masalah bangsa ini belakangan. Pesan-pesan moril yang diangkat juga keren dan progress penyampaiannya smooth. Sukalah gua ama filmnya. Lumayan... film Indonesia makin maju.
Maju terus insan perfilman Indonesia.
Satu lagi,
Garut is the best.
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Live Blogging: Rehomming Activity
Live Blogging...
Until now, no Node-B fall back. All rehommed. Nevertheless, there are two Node-Bs work not optimal. One have Node-B problem, else one of its cell is down. Me, my self, still loading the scripts for neighbour deletion and addition.
No bright idea in this writing. Just crap writing.
I have been remembering just now about History of Classical Music.
This story began two days ago. When finally the vocal trainer of our choir (NHKBP Tj. Priok Timur Choir) start taught for the first time. I was not too impressed with him. Yes, I had no chance to heard his voice that day, but I already now that he just wanted to had good impression for the first time from the choir. But he couldn't lie to me. I just become asking his credibility (since he said J.S.Bach is from Romantic Era, and also he said singing like Inang-inang is the right way to sing, na..a'..). He is not that good. Our choir apparently pay to much for trainer like him. Hahahahhahahaha... I seem so cynical. Maybe I just jealous since the choir have the new trainer. Or maybe I expect someone more, more like Mr. Indra Listiyanto. Hahhaahahhahahahahhahhahahahahahaha...
For the festival, the required repertoir is Dongani Au. New lyric and arrangement in Bataknese of Bist Du Bei Mir by Heinrich Stolzel. Also Written as BWV 508 by J. S. Bach. I asked Ka Rino about this song. I sang it a little, she already knew the song (wow!! amazing). Then I started my own research of this song. The research lead me to the History of Classical Music.
(476 – 1400)
(1400 – 1600)
(1600 – 1760)
(1730 – 1820)
(1815 – 1910)
20th century classical
(1900 – 2000)
Contemporary classical
(1975 – present)
Actually, I really want to read all this stuff since long time ago. Finally I can read it. I read it in Wikipedia. I thought I must buy the book for this. But in those website pages, all the explanations are exsist.
Hmm... Now I one step forward in music. Haha...
Seems... I miss you... whoever you are...
Until now, no Node-B fall back. All rehommed. Nevertheless, there are two Node-Bs work not optimal. One have Node-B problem, else one of its cell is down. Me, my self, still loading the scripts for neighbour deletion and addition.
No bright idea in this writing. Just crap writing.
I have been remembering just now about History of Classical Music.
This story began two days ago. When finally the vocal trainer of our choir (NHKBP Tj. Priok Timur Choir) start taught for the first time. I was not too impressed with him. Yes, I had no chance to heard his voice that day, but I already now that he just wanted to had good impression for the first time from the choir. But he couldn't lie to me. I just become asking his credibility (since he said J.S.Bach is from Romantic Era, and also he said singing like Inang-inang is the right way to sing, na..a'..). He is not that good. Our choir apparently pay to much for trainer like him. Hahahahhahahaha... I seem so cynical. Maybe I just jealous since the choir have the new trainer. Or maybe I expect someone more, more like Mr. Indra Listiyanto. Hahhaahahhahahahahhahhahahahahahaha...
For the festival, the required repertoir is Dongani Au. New lyric and arrangement in Bataknese of Bist Du Bei Mir by Heinrich Stolzel. Also Written as BWV 508 by J. S. Bach. I asked Ka Rino about this song. I sang it a little, she already knew the song (wow!! amazing). Then I started my own research of this song. The research lead me to the History of Classical Music.
(476 – 1400)
(1400 – 1600)
(1600 – 1760)
(1730 – 1820)
(1815 – 1910)
20th century classical
(1900 – 2000)
Contemporary classical
(1975 – present)
Actually, I really want to read all this stuff since long time ago. Finally I can read it. I read it in Wikipedia. I thought I must buy the book for this. But in those website pages, all the explanations are exsist.
Hmm... Now I one step forward in music. Haha...
Seems... I miss you... whoever you are...
Monday, August 06, 2007
Un-Ramah Person
Salah satu masalah yang gua hadapi semenjak gua kerja di Ericsson adalah I tent to be un-ramah person. Gak tau kenapa ya, semenjak gua kerja di Ericsson ini keramahan gua koq menurun ya? Sejalan juga ama kepedulian gua akan orang lain. Atau itu perasaan gua aja yah??
Sebenernya gua percaya kalo seorang pria itu emang bakal makin sempit kehidupannya, sampai pada akhirnya mentok di dirinya dan keluarganya. Dan emang reduksi itu berlangsung perlahan-lahan sejalan bertambahnya umur, sehingga gak kerasa tapi tiba-tiba udah kebentuk aja dunia seorang pria. Atau bisa di sebut, dunia pribadi seorang pria.
Nah, yang gua heran. Kali ini gua koq bisa merasakannya. Gua jadi kurang mendengarkan orang lain. Kurang memperhatikan orang lain. Kurang begitu mau kalo diajak ngobrol orang lain. Gak mau "memaksakan" diri untuk mengerti orang lain, minimal ngikutin jalan pemikirannya aja, aduuuhhh... males banget. Padahal kan orang lain butuh gua juga.
Gak tau yah kenapa. Apakah karena gua yang emang sibuk banget? Apakah karena gua yang sombong karena pendapatan yang besar? (atau di kenal besar sama teman-teman sejawat?) Atau karena emang gua bertambah dewasa aja? Atau karena emang kultur kerja tempat baru gua, yang emang perusahaan asing, berjiwa seperti itu? Hmmmhhh... kurang paham juga sih.
Tapi rasanya perubahan ini gak baik juga. Mungkin ada sisi positifnya. Tapi rasanya banyakan sisi negatifnya. Hmmmhhh... kalau begitu rasanya gua harus mulai ambil tindakan. Gua mau berubah. Kembali memperhatikan orang lain. Kembali tertarik dengan kehidupan orang lain. Emang gua juga diciptakan buat itu sih. Membantu orang lain. Hehehheehe...
Sebenernya gua percaya kalo seorang pria itu emang bakal makin sempit kehidupannya, sampai pada akhirnya mentok di dirinya dan keluarganya. Dan emang reduksi itu berlangsung perlahan-lahan sejalan bertambahnya umur, sehingga gak kerasa tapi tiba-tiba udah kebentuk aja dunia seorang pria. Atau bisa di sebut, dunia pribadi seorang pria.
Nah, yang gua heran. Kali ini gua koq bisa merasakannya. Gua jadi kurang mendengarkan orang lain. Kurang memperhatikan orang lain. Kurang begitu mau kalo diajak ngobrol orang lain. Gak mau "memaksakan" diri untuk mengerti orang lain, minimal ngikutin jalan pemikirannya aja, aduuuhhh... males banget. Padahal kan orang lain butuh gua juga.
Gak tau yah kenapa. Apakah karena gua yang emang sibuk banget? Apakah karena gua yang sombong karena pendapatan yang besar? (atau di kenal besar sama teman-teman sejawat?) Atau karena emang gua bertambah dewasa aja? Atau karena emang kultur kerja tempat baru gua, yang emang perusahaan asing, berjiwa seperti itu? Hmmmhhh... kurang paham juga sih.
Tapi rasanya perubahan ini gak baik juga. Mungkin ada sisi positifnya. Tapi rasanya banyakan sisi negatifnya. Hmmmhhh... kalau begitu rasanya gua harus mulai ambil tindakan. Gua mau berubah. Kembali memperhatikan orang lain. Kembali tertarik dengan kehidupan orang lain. Emang gua juga diciptakan buat itu sih. Membantu orang lain. Hehehheehe...
Wonderful Weekend
teruntuk pribadi-pribadi terkasih...
pagi ini kami berdoa bersama
kami mendoakan kelulusanmu
kami mendoakan tempat barumu
kami mendoakan kelancaran urusanmu
kami harap Tuhan bersedia mengabulkannya.
I never expect this could be happened. It's just like dream come true.
I came up with the ideas of spend my weekend with lot of activities. The day before, Friday, I was very exhausted. Not physically exhausted but mentally. I don’t know, I just very tired that day. Too stressful to keep serve God in my life in my daily work. Too tired.
Normal people will spend their weekend to have a rest. Similar thing won’t be happened to me. Weekend is very much like church time. Choir, vocal group, singing, playing music for Sunday service, etc. It’s also exhausted. No differ with daily works.
Fortunately, or maybe gracefully, my best friend visited me this weekend. Gosh, he’s so helpful. Even just to have a chat with him, it was very relaxing. Indeed, we also sing together in my church, my favorite song: Engkau Gembala Yang Baik. He played the guitar. Gosh, I remembered I ever pray to have last performance with him (since he must go to German for Master Class) and it’s just approved. And it was nice. Very best performance I had. Very best performance so far, Homer said. Hihihihi…
We also had a lot of chat that weekend. Routine like we always do. Chat and Jog. We have a very deep chat last night. Long chat, even though we both knew I must go for work next morning. But it’s fine. I might not have another chance to chat with him. I also reveal my deep secret to him (I hope he will not reveal it to any one else, no one).
Last night I was very bored with my job. I had lazy feeling to work next morning. But, through those chats I became fresher. It made me gracefully thanks to God, for all He has done. Aid by, me and my friend pray together in the morning.
Now, I’m in the middle of training. I like the training. It’s helpful.
pagi ini kami berdoa bersama
kami mendoakan kelulusanmu
kami mendoakan tempat barumu
kami mendoakan kelancaran urusanmu
kami harap Tuhan bersedia mengabulkannya.
I never expect this could be happened. It's just like dream come true.
I came up with the ideas of spend my weekend with lot of activities. The day before, Friday, I was very exhausted. Not physically exhausted but mentally. I don’t know, I just very tired that day. Too stressful to keep serve God in my life in my daily work. Too tired.
Normal people will spend their weekend to have a rest. Similar thing won’t be happened to me. Weekend is very much like church time. Choir, vocal group, singing, playing music for Sunday service, etc. It’s also exhausted. No differ with daily works.
Fortunately, or maybe gracefully, my best friend visited me this weekend. Gosh, he’s so helpful. Even just to have a chat with him, it was very relaxing. Indeed, we also sing together in my church, my favorite song: Engkau Gembala Yang Baik. He played the guitar. Gosh, I remembered I ever pray to have last performance with him (since he must go to German for Master Class) and it’s just approved. And it was nice. Very best performance I had. Very best performance so far, Homer said. Hihihihi…
We also had a lot of chat that weekend. Routine like we always do. Chat and Jog. We have a very deep chat last night. Long chat, even though we both knew I must go for work next morning. But it’s fine. I might not have another chance to chat with him. I also reveal my deep secret to him (I hope he will not reveal it to any one else, no one).
Last night I was very bored with my job. I had lazy feeling to work next morning. But, through those chats I became fresher. It made me gracefully thanks to God, for all He has done. Aid by, me and my friend pray together in the morning.
Now, I’m in the middle of training. I like the training. It’s helpful.
Friday, August 03, 2007
eLSimpsons-The Nervousness
Yes, how’s it gonna be when EL'01 watching movie together? For me, it’s not about the film that I worried about, it’s about the meeting. Meeting with old friends. Meeting with great people. I ever read one of my friend got nervous to meet his old friends. I didn’t believe it. It was hard to believe there’s someone nervous meet his/her friends. Now I believe, I faced it by myself.
It’s always been nervous term for me to meet my colleagues from college. Don’t know how and don’t know why, every time I think about them I always think about great-clever-diligent-leadership talent-etc. and all other things which far greater than me. They far too much clever, seldom mistakes people. I just very confused I was with them in that classes. It’s just very wrong.
The sophomore meeting was planned watching The Simpson in Setiabudi21, Setiabudi-One Kuningan. I’ve been there, together with my friends, in one of the farewell party. I was very nervous. I need to go to toilet first before I met them. I need to brush my teeth, I need to wash my hands and my face, and I need to neat my shirt and my pans. Oh God, how nervous I was. Walking to the 2nd floor I saw them from distance. I saw them very great. Very executive way of clothing and very particular faces of expensive employees was my first impression last night. It was great to meet them. I started to chat with them in a very bestow level. As my heart admitted, I will never have deep conversation with them. It will just humiliating my self in front of them. I started to chat about their spouse-gonna be, their works, their life, jokes and everything else.
Basically, they are not change. I still heard the same tone of them, the same way of speaking, the same way of joking and the same clever people. However, I saw several differences of them. Some of them become more slender, as if they loose lot of kilos of their weight. Some of them become very tidy and neat person. Some of them turn to be very quiet persons, while some of them were quite before. Some of them turn out to be more pretty and handsome as well. Some of them, surprisingly, already have their own house and vehicle.
Nothing change exceedingly, I still afraid of some of them, afraid to talk with them. They seem like God and Goddess for me, while my self is just an extraordinary person living my life. Counted from 16 people coming, I just dare to chat with 3 of them: Mirza, Iya and Rince. It’s all because they often chat with me before. The rest, I put extraordinary antenna, if somehow, I must use my brain to chat with them. Hahaha…
Before we watched the movie, we agreed to have our meal first. Mangkuk Putih is the name of the restaurant we picked. All the dishes to serve the food are white, very synchronal with the name of the restaurant (Mangkuk Putih: White Dishes). Me, my self, I just had Vanilla-Chocolate ice cream. I already had my meal before: Mie Ayam Gerobakan. We talked much at that dining. One by one the squad promise-to-come, came for completeness. Yet, more people came, more nervous I was. I even didn’t dare to saw their face. I forced my self to concentrate to my friends next to me; I just pretended to have a very serious conversation so they failed interrupting me. And if that attempt failed, I will have my plan B, to welcome them in the crowd with big voice to press my nervousness.
The talks is very much like:
where are you working now?
what that you do?
hmm... when will your time to marry?
There're few working together in same company, like Telkomsel, Ericsson, Nokia, etc. There's also some one who works in Telkom, IT Consultant and elses. There're few with traumatic experience of love, there're also several who succeded in love. There're people who like the food, while any one else dislike the food. We are so vary.
Part one, I made it, to had dinner with them. I was success through the first temptation.
After one by one, pay to Non Rince for the ticket, we stepped to the theater. I was asked with Awin to go to toilet first before the show (hmm… very clever choice, I thought). On the way out of toilet, I saw Awin, stepped to the wrong way to exit, with lower head. After several seconds he realized, he turned to my direction and laughed. I laughed also, it was so amusing. Then suddenly a statement came through my mind: “they’re not as clever as you imagine, ‘hat”. Hmm… I felt fresher after that. They stood in the same level with me actually. It’s just hard to realize it.
The show started 20.20. The film itself was a very fresh movie with fresh jokes and fresh air surround me from the air conditioner. If only the film was not funny, or inconsistent funny, I would felt a sleep. But, last night I didn’t. The film serves jokes by jokes in a clever way. The audience forced so that they have no chance to think what the shapes of the jokes are. Suddenly, the peak of jokes came out and all audience laughed together. Hmm… how come they can make a film like this? (Wondering, when will Indonesia able to make this kind of clever film).
Not much that we could do in the theater. We were hypnotized by the film, we talked not much. After all, the air was too much comfort and we didn’t want to miss even one jokes of the film.

Before we went home, I took pictures of us first. Actually they were picture of them, without me. Hiks. But its okay, I satisfied with the pictures as well.
The conclusion is, I still got nervous to meet them. And I’m sure I’ll have the same nervousness every time I meet them. Haaaahh… hopefully I can overcome this weird feeling. It’s not necessary I believe. But I don’t know, I just can eliminate it easily.
It’s always been nervous term for me to meet my colleagues from college. Don’t know how and don’t know why, every time I think about them I always think about great-clever-diligent-leadership talent-etc. and all other things which far greater than me. They far too much clever, seldom mistakes people. I just very confused I was with them in that classes. It’s just very wrong.
The sophomore meeting was planned watching The Simpson in Setiabudi21, Setiabudi-One Kuningan. I’ve been there, together with my friends, in one of the farewell party. I was very nervous. I need to go to toilet first before I met them. I need to brush my teeth, I need to wash my hands and my face, and I need to neat my shirt and my pans. Oh God, how nervous I was. Walking to the 2nd floor I saw them from distance. I saw them very great. Very executive way of clothing and very particular faces of expensive employees was my first impression last night. It was great to meet them. I started to chat with them in a very bestow level. As my heart admitted, I will never have deep conversation with them. It will just humiliating my self in front of them. I started to chat about their spouse-gonna be, their works, their life, jokes and everything else.
Basically, they are not change. I still heard the same tone of them, the same way of speaking, the same way of joking and the same clever people. However, I saw several differences of them. Some of them become more slender, as if they loose lot of kilos of their weight. Some of them become very tidy and neat person. Some of them turn to be very quiet persons, while some of them were quite before. Some of them turn out to be more pretty and handsome as well. Some of them, surprisingly, already have their own house and vehicle.
Nothing change exceedingly, I still afraid of some of them, afraid to talk with them. They seem like God and Goddess for me, while my self is just an extraordinary person living my life. Counted from 16 people coming, I just dare to chat with 3 of them: Mirza, Iya and Rince. It’s all because they often chat with me before. The rest, I put extraordinary antenna, if somehow, I must use my brain to chat with them. Hahaha…
Before we watched the movie, we agreed to have our meal first. Mangkuk Putih is the name of the restaurant we picked. All the dishes to serve the food are white, very synchronal with the name of the restaurant (Mangkuk Putih: White Dishes). Me, my self, I just had Vanilla-Chocolate ice cream. I already had my meal before: Mie Ayam Gerobakan. We talked much at that dining. One by one the squad promise-to-come, came for completeness. Yet, more people came, more nervous I was. I even didn’t dare to saw their face. I forced my self to concentrate to my friends next to me; I just pretended to have a very serious conversation so they failed interrupting me. And if that attempt failed, I will have my plan B, to welcome them in the crowd with big voice to press my nervousness.
The talks is very much like:
where are you working now?
what that you do?
hmm... when will your time to marry?
There're few working together in same company, like Telkomsel, Ericsson, Nokia, etc. There's also some one who works in Telkom, IT Consultant and elses. There're few with traumatic experience of love, there're also several who succeded in love. There're people who like the food, while any one else dislike the food. We are so vary.
Part one, I made it, to had dinner with them. I was success through the first temptation.
After one by one, pay to Non Rince for the ticket, we stepped to the theater. I was asked with Awin to go to toilet first before the show (hmm… very clever choice, I thought). On the way out of toilet, I saw Awin, stepped to the wrong way to exit, with lower head. After several seconds he realized, he turned to my direction and laughed. I laughed also, it was so amusing. Then suddenly a statement came through my mind: “they’re not as clever as you imagine, ‘hat”. Hmm… I felt fresher after that. They stood in the same level with me actually. It’s just hard to realize it.
The show started 20.20. The film itself was a very fresh movie with fresh jokes and fresh air surround me from the air conditioner. If only the film was not funny, or inconsistent funny, I would felt a sleep. But, last night I didn’t. The film serves jokes by jokes in a clever way. The audience forced so that they have no chance to think what the shapes of the jokes are. Suddenly, the peak of jokes came out and all audience laughed together. Hmm… how come they can make a film like this? (Wondering, when will Indonesia able to make this kind of clever film).
Not much that we could do in the theater. We were hypnotized by the film, we talked not much. After all, the air was too much comfort and we didn’t want to miss even one jokes of the film.
Before we went home, I took pictures of us first. Actually they were picture of them, without me. Hiks. But its okay, I satisfied with the pictures as well.
The conclusion is, I still got nervous to meet them. And I’m sure I’ll have the same nervousness every time I meet them. Haaaahh… hopefully I can overcome this weird feeling. It’s not necessary I believe. But I don’t know, I just can eliminate it easily.
Thursday, August 02, 2007
English Literature
Hmm... it's been long time since the last time I used english in my writings. I don't know, it seems like my ability of english language disappear. Either for writing nor speaking. Don't know how, don't know why.
But a friend, today, encourages me so much to continue writing. He has been always a silent reader for this blog. Actually, I found lot of kind of these readers. I don't know, I just become very happy if someone read my blog. If not, what for and what is the matter should I continue this blog.
Through this lesson I realized, whatever I do for good reason, never be neglected or accomplished. It won't be fruitless. It always gain something for others.
Keep the spirit, of making this world better...
But a friend, today, encourages me so much to continue writing. He has been always a silent reader for this blog. Actually, I found lot of kind of these readers. I don't know, I just become very happy if someone read my blog. If not, what for and what is the matter should I continue this blog.
Through this lesson I realized, whatever I do for good reason, never be neglected or accomplished. It won't be fruitless. It always gain something for others.
Keep the spirit, of making this world better...
Sang Putri yang Menangis
ada masa di mana sang putri berbahagia
ada masa di mana sang putri boleh tertawa
ada masa di mana sang putri sedang tersenyum
ada masanya juga di mana sang putri harus menangis
Ketika sang putri menangis
Dunia seakan menangis bersamanya
Ketika air mata mulai membulir
bak air bah besar, tanaman nan hijau itu pun mulai termangu
Tapi kali ini
Sang Putri harus menghadapinya seorang diri
Tidak ada yang dapat melakukan apa-apa
Tidak ada yang boleh membantu dia
Hanya dia dengan Tuhannya
Saat para kurcaci dan binatang liar ingin membantunya
mereka hanya boleh berteriak dari kejauhan
berdoa dari kejauhan
Ini pertarungannya, pertarungan sang putri
Sekalipun ia tertatih-tatih ini tetap pertarungannya
Sekalipun kuk itu memang sangat berat
ini tetap pertarungannya
Dia harus melewati ini
Agar dia tumbuh menjadi putri yang bijaksana
Yang sekalipun aral melintang ia akan tetap tegar kuasa
Ingin sekali melihat sang putri menangis pada saatnya nanti,
tangisan bahagia
ketika dia berhasil melalui ini semua
ada masa di mana sang putri boleh tertawa
ada masa di mana sang putri sedang tersenyum
ada masanya juga di mana sang putri harus menangis
Ketika sang putri menangis
Dunia seakan menangis bersamanya
Ketika air mata mulai membulir
bak air bah besar, tanaman nan hijau itu pun mulai termangu
Tapi kali ini
Sang Putri harus menghadapinya seorang diri
Tidak ada yang dapat melakukan apa-apa
Tidak ada yang boleh membantu dia
Hanya dia dengan Tuhannya
Saat para kurcaci dan binatang liar ingin membantunya
mereka hanya boleh berteriak dari kejauhan
berdoa dari kejauhan
Ini pertarungannya, pertarungan sang putri
Sekalipun ia tertatih-tatih ini tetap pertarungannya
Sekalipun kuk itu memang sangat berat
ini tetap pertarungannya
Dia harus melewati ini
Agar dia tumbuh menjadi putri yang bijaksana
Yang sekalipun aral melintang ia akan tetap tegar kuasa
Ingin sekali melihat sang putri menangis pada saatnya nanti,
tangisan bahagia
ketika dia berhasil melalui ini semua
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