I don't know. I just fully curious about these men. About their life and about their faith. I'm curious how could be they found it. Do they ever listen about it. And what is the strong motivation so that they choose to took the journey. I'm curious about them. How came they all knew about this baby born while no others knew.
I read what is Wikipedia said about this. It's quite complete actually. And you know what? I found it more realistic now. I found it that it was not just a legend. It's quite logical and it makes me believe that it was not just a tale. It's happened.
I will write a story about one of them maybe. But, I will write it in Bahasa.
Maybe I will also create a Role Play Scenario about this.
wah.. the spirit of Christmas is already starting on this blog, yahh.. gue jg ntar mau nulis ah ttg my Christmas..
iya tulis aja...
lagi seru-serunya nih...
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