Suddenly this term comes in to my life. It forces to come in. I don't really want to know about it actually, but apparently whole world like it, the whole world moves to it.
Actually this term, financial free, already exist in this world for long time. It's just even bigger since Robert Kiyosaki wrote it in a book: rich dad poor dad. And as I said it before, suddenly lot of people make it as a basic principal or their life. Me, my self, ever heard it from my bro' in law, cousin, friends and else's. I haven't read that book actually, but my heart a little bit refused this term.
All contain of what so called financial free made me think a lot about what is financial, and of course what is free. I don't agree with Robert Kiyosaki actually. He said that Financial Free is a condition when money works for us, not us work for money. I don't know. It's just seem very differ from me.
My self have my own think, my own value about financial free.
Here it is.
I, as a believer, I believe that God creates human for a purpose, purpose to love Him, to live closely with Him, and to make this world a better life to live. However, this is a very big world, and to run it every person has his/her own specification. That's God will to choose his/her specification. God create us for Him and Us, He will do the best for us.
So that is us. We are doing something in this world. To do our own function, the purpose we'd been created, to please God Him self and ourselves.
What is the connection with financial free?? No, no connection. That's the answer. We must not chase it so much in our lives. Money, finance, it's just one of tools to help us to do our function. It shall not our main concern in this life. This life is about fulfilling God wills in our life.
He-God Himself-has promised: who ever want to be with Him in his kingdom, he/she will inherit all His rich. Money will come to you easily. And as I said before: money or finance will come after us as we doing our function. That is what I called: financial free. The condition when money is not our main concern in our daily life, as a matter of fact, God Himself take care of us and our financial. Imagine all of God's richness are become ours.
That is why in my financial free term applied more give more come back law. The condition when we give so much to else and we don't know some how we are getting rich. Why it could be like this? Because God believe in us. We can use us, our money to help else's. God please with that kind of behavior, so that as we more give, he will more please and give us more so we can give else's more. It's all God's money. We are just his treasurer.
For example, take a look on Oprah with her foundation Harpo. Day by day she is getting rich. But it is not her purpose, she never be satisfied with her richness. She always wants to help people, and as she can help others, that is her satisfaction. That is her function in this world with all her embedded abilities. And as she always help people, God give her more trust so that she can give hand to other gristly.
Hmm... I wonder, if I must have my own foundation one day. To help people.
1 comment:
Reading this thread, I was sure that you wrote this following our conversation which I thought was quite deep for a conversation in sleepy-tired condition like that night .. hehe.
Well, basically I agree with you about the definition of financial freedom. It is as simple as a condition that money is anymore not the main concern in our daily lives.
To be more sharp about what financial freedom is, I hope you will notice about one resource that is the most God have given us (our soul would be thought as #1, but as a believer, I choose to say that our soul don't belong to ourselves since He had already bought them by His own blood). The one thing I want to refer is TIME.
You might have huge amount of money in your bank account, but definitely you always just have 24 hours a day unless it's time God decide you to be finished.
The idea of financial freedom should be related to time utilization to meet our life purpose (thing(s) that we think God wants us to function). So, in my opinion, being in financially free condition can make you have the ability to 'buy' most of your time. After you have the time (and the money), you have the freedom on how you use the time whether you let it passed or you use it properly by doing the activities that can make you closer to the set purpose, WITHOUT afraid of being in a condition of degraded life style.
Money is not related to meeting purpose. Time is. And of course, the will itself. God can make us to meet our purpose in the condition we have money or we don't have any money at all. But time is something we always have to prepare for pursuing the goal. What money can offer is only the opportunity to place you to stay or move on in term of life style standard.
I totally can not more disagree with you in the Law of More Give - More Come Back. But to make it clear, it is principle about process. I definitely can tell you the fact, that the true financial freedom reacher are ones who has passing the period in enhancing the principle more times than we (all people with regular mindset) can imagine. Oprah is an easy-detectable example, since from the show he can affect how people think and behave of being kind and generous. How do you think about Bill Gate's Microsoft ? Don't you think, instead of being rich by it, he also builds our culture significantly (while he doesn't speak directly by his own mouth that he is building our culture)?
Don't you think it is hard to build a successful business ? Building a successful business does always involve developing character. We need to develop ours before we encourage other people in our business environment(partners, employees) to develop theirs. While we develop our character into higher level, we help and teach the environment build their character, and make them encouraged to encourage more others (subordinates maybe) to develop their character. From the seminar I've attended and books I've read, building people's character is the most significant factor that make institutions so successful, including business institutions. That's how More Give - More Come Back principle applied in business. Don't you think your character is now developing while you are doing your job (or taking the overtime - hehe)? What's on your mind while doing that ? Hope it could soon be finished so u can get money when the payroll come ? I'm pretty sure that you think much broader than that, right ?
What I want to say is that you can not dichotomize being in financial freedom condition(in real financial term) with the Law of More Give - More Come Back. They are not opposites. Building a successful giant business and grab huge money from it does not always mean that you will not give others more. In fact, in that condition, you can give more than you've ever imagined with your money, and you comfortably have the time to use to do the give things directly by yourself (instead of sending your representatives-hehe). Let us not limit the God's power. For God, being financially free or doesn't have money are just routes. God can make you useful to His purpose by letting you being a billionaire.Or He can also make you useful like Mother Teresa, with no money at all.
As most of Kiyosaki's RDPD non-reader think that the book is always about having bunch of money or being richy rich or fast money making, I will challenge you to really read the book(s) (since they are book series) and find some other value that implicitly introduced in it(them). I recommend you to read the English version.
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