The story began last night when my friend called me at my cellular phone:
me : Ya!
friend : I haven't searched the present. Could we just find it together tomorrow morning?
me : Ok. But can you really get up in the morning? I don't think you can.
friend : Ease, only to get up in the morning, give me a break! It's done.
me : You sure?
friend : Of course! I will call you
me : You sure? What time?
friend : Of course.
me : What time?
tuut... tuut... tuut... He hung off the phone.
I know him. He will not made it to get up that morning. The previous two chances, he failed to fulfill his promise. For the last couple months in weekend, he would just got up at 12 noon or longer. But then I gave him the next chance. Yes, I gave him the next chance.
There, I got up in the morning from my bed. I did my small prayer, I took my guitar and I did singing. I showered my self and prepared for the present quest for one of our birthday friend. After bath I choose to put my short first, I knew my friend will not be woke up till 10.00 or something. Thus, I put my short and shirt and prepared for my breakfast. It was 9.30. Morning means 9 to 11 to me.
I'd waited for his call since 9 o'clock. After breakfast at 10, I started to get annoyed. This man was still not woke up I supposed. I started to really get angry since 10.30 he still not made any call. "Damn! What are you doing man? Come on wake up!", I said to my self. I could just phoned him first, but If I called him, it could not be call a chance. Thus, I rely on him to make call first.
I started to cleaned my stuff while waiting. I brushed my shoes (damn, why didn't I brushed my bag), I took care of my room and entire house, then I warmed up the car. I did some cleaning Saturday morning routine, but it's just for killing the time. The main purposed was waiting for my friend call.
I promised to my self. 11.30 if he still not show up, I canceled the quest. And yet, It was 11.30, I send him a message.
"You are awful man! If you can not accomplish your promise, please don't make any. Btw, the quest is canceled, It too noon. I have promised with my brother." My brother wanted me to teach him driving."
Still, no response from him. I stared to be very angry, why didn't he ask for apologized?
Yet, my brother also canceled the driving lesson. Byarr!! My day was ruining. I got lazy to did anything. I didn't know what to do, all the appointments were canceled. I sent my friend a new message:
"My brother canceled the driving lesson, come on, let's go for the quest. Got up!"
Still no response. It was 13.00 and no response. Then, I started to watched the Saint Seiya movie series which I borrowed from AW. It was really cool. The stories are very creative. I watched the Hades season, and not like the previous season which full of repetition, this season are full with surprises.
Back to the topic, at around 14.00, finally my friend sent me a message:
"I'm sorry 'hat, I just woke up. I watched for the movies from you and my friend all night long. I got dizzy when I woke up."
I type a message for reply, but then come the attack from Saint Seiya and I got exciting with movie. I forgot the reply. Until suddenly new message come:
"I will continue my sleep ah... consider it is not evening yet. Hahaha. Zzz... zzz... "What?!! I had been waiting you since 9 and you canceled the promise by sleeping. There it goes for the 3rd chance. Honestly, I don't know if I can trust him anymore. If it was some body else, I will not took it seriously, but this came from some one who I can trust (or maybe who I think I could trust). It got me really pissed off. Really! It was totally ruining my day. Then I just replied.
"Hahahaha. You can't be helped man! Don't you ever make any promise with me again. You're ruining my trust. Weirdo! Hahaha."
Yap, it was a funny message, but I mean it seriously. I would not ever to trust him anymore.
In the evening we were met at the choir rehearsal, and as I am an expressive person, I told him how much he made me pissed off. Yeah, he catch my message. I was totally blame him for this. The atmosphere getting very unpleasant. But I could not refuse it. I was totally pissed of. He asked me apologized by quote a verse from the Bible. I never read it. I'm too angry to did that.
Then in my night bed, I realized something. I did even worser to God. Something which are very disgusting. But still, he forgive me. He is not just forgive me, but he also give me another chance. Not just one chance, but more and more chances until I can grow and learn. Praise Him for this! For this, I have reason to forgive my friend. There, at the service, I was totally forgive him, as I totally forgiven by God.
To be honest, thing will never be the same again right now. Now I limit my trust to my friend. It's just very traumatic for me to wait from 9 to 14 without any canceled confirmation. I know my friend is kind of "free as a bird flee" person, but still, I can not make and adjustment by only knowing that. I don't know, but as I limit my trust and put some distance, maybe I could think objectively which kind of friend who can lead me forward, or just kept hold me behind.
3x gw janjian berenang sm temen gw, jam 7 pagi, spy jam 10 kita udah bisa ngantor, lagian klo terlalu siang ntar panas, item deh..
You know what, dia tdk pernah menepati janjinya (alasan: ketiduran.. !!! emang dia ngantor sll siang sih), tp gw ttp berenang, sendiri.. dan gak ada mslh.. krn dialah yg bermasalah.. smg org2 ky gitu disadarkan ya..
Iya... Rince. Gua kesel banget gara-gara itu. Yang paling bikin gua kesel, konfirmasi pembatalan itu lama banget. Maaak... nunggu kayak gitu lama banget.
Gua males deh janjian lagi sama orang-orang yang gak bisa dipercaya.
Mungkin ini karena kehidupan di kampus dan kerjaan yang semuanya menghargai waktu kan 'ce.
Tapi lu memberikan kesempatan selanjutnya gak sih 'ce?
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