It is not proved yet, it is just my hypothesis. As it is a hypothesis I must find the reason why could be. Some logic reason which I can find are:
+ Married People have taste the heaven. (You know what I mean by heaven right??? don't pretend as you don't know) And as they already taste "the heavenly-earth thing", I'm sure they already satisfied and don't want to be exploited by ego things. The heavenly-earth thing is give excessive satisfaction than the ego. So they leave it.
+ Married people, especially they who already have child, will put 99,99% concern in their family. For a father, he will concern much for his wife and children. They will not act extremely for this. For example, in small chat and discussion, they will not take it personally when their opinion was attacked. They will just say: "oh...". It's quite different with young one. Once his/her opinion being attacked, he/she will run their brain processor very fast to counter it back. It's true. Try to notice. Less fight in talking to married people than they who haven't.
+ (blank)
+ (blank, haven't found it yet)
For those who agree with me, could you help me with my hypothesis... Thanks
From my point of view theres no significant different between marriage people and single one.The different rely on each personal characteristic, the wife still become a girl and the husband still become a boy.Moreover age and maturity are two essential things if you talk about ego.
Gw jd teringat beberapa tahun yang lalu kita sama2 bergelut dalam Mikrolet 30 A untuk berjuang menuju LIA Kelapa Gading demi menikmati suasana kelas yang riuh dengan tawa..
Anyway, kemana temen2 LIA kita ya hat?masih inget ga lu nama teacher jilbab endut yga baik bgt itu?Miss her, miss prama, miss Nanny, Miss Ulfa miss everyone..
But you agree right that married people are more mature than single?
Miss siapa yah namanya. Gua masih inget koq. Seru banget tuh waktu LIA. Hahaha... Mbak Titiek kemana??
only responsibility that makes them different, and responsibility will lead other good stuffs.
hmmmh.... wondering what this article is aimed to,is this kind of wedding preparation??
sahat to masadi:
hmm... nice opinion.
no... absolutely not yet. It was just my thought. I didn't know how to share it. So, I just wrote it in order to release it from my mind.
btw, how is it going there?
Percaya deh, asli bukan aku yg bikin
Friendship is the marriage of the soul.
(Ecclesiastes 4:9)
So many marriages are rooted in passion. But to grow in depth, a marriage must not only be a “Love affair.” But a deep and growing friendship-a meting not only of bodies, but of mind, hearts, and souls.
Hoe special it is when a spouse says, “I married my best friend.” Even more special is the spouse who says after many years of marriage. “I am married to my best friend!”
I Love you not only for what you are,
but for what I am when I am with you;
I Love you not only for what you have made of yourself,
but for what you are making of me;
I Love you not for closing your ears to the discords in me,
but for adding to the music in me by worshipful listening;
You have done it without a touch, without a word, without a sign.
You have done it just by being yourself.
Perhaps that is what being a friend means, after all.
-Author unknown
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