At least five (hmm... it's quite much) of my friends ever involved in this phenomenon. I don’t really understand about this, the excitement in this kind of world or anything. I don’t know either whether I agree or disagree with this phenomenon. One thing that I understand is I choose to still keen on them, my friends who involved. On the other hand, bible said that this phenomenon merely occurs in next world. I see it coming smoothly nowadays.
One of them ever said to me: “to love other man is as the same as you love a girl.” I remember, when I fall in love to a girl, I will everyday think of her. In my diner, in my breakfast, in my lunch, in my shower, before I fall a sleep, every time I will think about her and imagine everything about her. It is irresistible. Then I wonder, if I can not resist the temptation of loving girl, maybe a gay person-according to my friend’s explanation-has the same feeling to love other man, or to love other girl if it’s a lesbian. To realize it, make me don’t dare to judge them wrong or right.
What is gay? What is homosexuality? I don’t know. I don’t know when it was started. I don’t know who invented this. Some people said it is a choice (contradictive with script that said it is sin). Other said there are phases for this. Surely I said I don’t know. I don’t dare also to give opinion about this. I don’t deeply understand about this. Some people said they are born as a homosexual. Some people consider much about his/her neighborhood and also the most harmful one: virtual internet world for this. Other said it is their parent false. Or is it Evil’s work? Could be, but I still can’t judge them.
Me, my self, always divide love to four types.

The four types of love divided in the rooms of my heart like picture above. God's love is above all, then there's other three types below it. They all have border and have their own place in my room-heart.
I also ever thought, if I take a look from the creator point of view, human were created to be man and wife and to have children and fullfil the earth. And if human no longer followed the main purpose of the creation, maybe human nature are damaged. Like, if I create something to help me to do something, and someday it can't help me anymore, then I will say it's broken. It's no longer I can use for my purpose. I must fixed it. Maybe human also like that. If somehow, they are not fullfil the main purpose any longer, they must fixed. I don't know, it's just my thought.
One thing that I know, if my friends involved with this, they are still my friends. They shall not afraid I will leave them. I’ll just say to them I’m straight and I will always be their friend. But of course we will just stay as friend and we realize the border line of friend. I’ll always listen to them. To their belief. And still, I will pray for them so they will be lead to the absolute right way. The very right way that beyond human thought. Whatever human said about it, whether human believe in it or not, the absolute right stand still. Because it is the absolute right, it is there not because anything else, it’s there just because it self.
4 comments: know we (me & dhini) just start think hard how to save them from their own matter what their reason wants to be a GAY!
whew its so sad....our beloved friend is OTW to that world...
but i believe our pray and love will remind him to GOD....
Of course... trust me. None of our prayers are meaningless. They all will be accomplished.
Good stand Sahat.
right... regardless whether we think it's right or wrong, our love for them shouldn't be changed just because their sexual orientation.
about bible thing -- I uhm.. don't know... I have so many questions about it... so no comment for now.
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