Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Happy Birthday to Me...
Many people said that some one shall wish some thing on his/her birthday. Hmmm... I said to my self: "if only GOD is willing to give it on the spur of the moment". But I realize, nothing comes easily to adult like me, it's for my own goodness.
However, if I shall wish, my wishing must be like this (continuing my last year wishes):
1. Still, Go to USA (New York City)
2. Still, Parachuting (Not really, if possible, really possible)
3. Of course get closer, Married with a girl I love (Yummy...). But, who is she???
4. Singing solo within an orchestra (cleared). So that I add to have great carrier in music industry.
5. Have my own company. I shall start it within this November. With 2 million rupiahs capital.
6. Get my Master Degree, by the time of next year, I must already get my Toefl & GRE test. My German course language. My scholarship.
7. Fly my mom to Jerusalem. Actually, last month I fly my mom to Salib Suci. Quite enough waiting for the real Jerusalem.
8. Many else’s, I will think about them latter (next year maybe)
Btw, I was quite suprised. This morning, my mom and my family woke me up for as they sing "panjang umurnya... panjang umurnya..."
Hahaha... Wondering last year was the same occasion. It's just, 4 hours faster and it was in bandung by my friends.
Monday, October 29, 2007
The Magical of Art
I laugh two days because of this
bebas finansial
Sedang ramai dibicarakan???
Ntah apa perlu dibicarakan apa nggak???
Nantikan saja!
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Live Blogging From Kuala Lumpur-Malaysia
Malaysia, luarnya makanan melayu dalemnya India.
I don’t really like Malaysian food. The ingredient is too much for me. Like for example: Pastel (Kind of fried-flour with vegetables inside it). Here, the ginger is too much for me. Yiaakksss… I don’t really like it. It’s just very ginger; very much the same like India food.
The fried fish with sambal, neither, the taste was so boring. The smell is not even couraging my appetite. I don’t know, I just don’t like food today. Hopefully tomorrow won’t be like this again. Hehe.
But, hotel's food. Hmm... delicious. Of course. Five stars hotel gitu lho
Part 2: The Relaxation
If you are from Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur-Sunway Resort Hotel & Spa, would be a very healthy way to relax.
The place, the air, the traffic... it's all good for relaxation.
Me my self, at hotel, I was trying to relaxed my self. For such a long time I had not work out my body, yesterday, I went to gym. Bicyled for almost 40 minutes and try some big tools for my muscles. I did enjoy it so much. When my muscles being trained. After that, I had my warm water bath up in hotel room. Like, gosh, all my muscles got relaxed. Then before I sleep, I read book for training as I listen to Jazz music on radio-tv.
Part 3: The Severity
I don't really like this severity of life. Too much kinds of people here. They all speak different language, they have their own world. Less people talk each others here. Too much severity, like if I want to ask for milk, there's a lot of options. "You want mix it with water?". What?! But, actually it's good to have many options. Look also at the commercial break in TV, some times it is in chinesee language, some times india, some times melayu, some times english. I found also Indonesian sinetron here. Hmm... very new for me, this severity conditions.
Part 4: The City Transportation
Hmmm… suka sekali; very much like transportation system here in KL. The system is much similar with city in Europe. To go everywhere is ease. Unfortunately, I don’t have much time to go around.
Here, we can use bus (in Malaysia it is called BAS), monorail, train (LRT) and of course Taxi. The best thing is all these kind of transportation support each other. The rate it self is quite cheap. It rates is about RM 1-3. In each kind of transportation, there is map that can help us. If you want to take a break for a minute and take a look for a map, you can easily understand the cast of Kuala Lumpur.
Nice system transportation.
Friday, October 19, 2007
Don't Define Your Self?
I don't know. This writing is backgrounded by my friend who always defined his self. Amusing. He some times said "he is like this", some times "like that", some times "don't like this" some times "don't like that". I was quite dizzy with it.
Yet, in other chance, I have an opportunity to define my self. Then the question flash in my mind: should I define my self? That time my friend dreamt me and him join in army school Taruna Nusantara. He said that we sleep on the road in that dream. That's it, time when I define my self. I said to my self: "I may never sleep on road whatever the condition. It is not very me." Then I stopped. If I define my self like that (never want to sleep on road), then I become an unflexible person. I think it's not right. I shall be flexible if the condition force me so. I must can adapt with all condition. Then I said to my self. I shall not define my self easily. I must very carefully if I want to define my self, and very wise.
Take the time to think of your self. Have you ever define your self? Is it really important to define it?
Tendency to be Arrogant
People think (at least Indonesian), if they already went abroad, they have different league with those who hasn't. They (count me in) believe, if they already went abroad, they have seen the whole world.
Human, undeniable, has lot of tendency to be arrogant. But this kind of arrogant is very weird. It seems irresistible. Not just because they already visited one city in Europe, they seems already visit whole place in Europe. Or they even believe that Europe is as the same as Africa.
Same case happen for Phd or Master. Not because they become so great in one subject, they seems understand about everything. I bet they aren't. Maybe it's all life about: SPESIFICATION.
Human is so weak with this tendency. The first sin of man is also this. Tendency to be arrogant. Eve want to be the same as God, so that she ate that forrbidden-fruit.
So how to resist this tendency? Should we give up? No we shall not. We must give the best to be better each in everyday. That's why we have friends like. To warn us up, if something bad come to us.
(I can't even understand why I write this)
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
I even don’t know the meaning of the word. But I praise it; the film. It is a really good film. The taste is so American, so Hollywood, but the theme is so Asian.
The film is about the memories; Memories of War. Yes, the film is absolutely a War Film. With all related settings: gun, battle field, army uniform, helm, bomb, and else’s. The film is also about the past. The old style fashion, the old city, the old bicycle, the locomotive, etc. but actually, the film is about the sacrifices, a sacrifice for the family. A sacrifice of a man for his younger brother, for his fiancĂ©, for his mother, for his society, for his people, for his country, for the freedom. A sacrifice not just his life but also his soul, in ideology war of communist vs. democratic in North Korea, 1950.
I praise this film. It must be a winner of a category in academy award, and it should be the best film in North Korea, I believe. Look at the acting; gosh; the actor was really great. It’s true, he is really good. The acting was so deep. See also at the details; how amazing; a very detail film; great director. Hear also for the music, fabulous. Great work, great film.
I don’t know. The main characters are so strong. But, the supporting are not as good as the main, but it’s acceptable. Some how, I believe the Korean language aid the strongest of the characters. I envy this language. Some times it can be so rude, while in the other time it can be so soft, so romantic. In war settings, this Korean language tone rude enough to kill your right part. On the other hand, this language can suddenly be so romantic and full of love, and it makes the drama even stronger. I shall learn this language someday.
It is a very recommended film: Taekugi.
2 Juta
Gua bingung juga sih gimana caranya melipatgandakan uang itu. Ada yang punya saran?
Apa gua kasih aja ke temen gua yang suka judi bola? (kayaknya gak mungkin banget deh itu; dan gua gak ngerti bola juga)
Atau gua beli aja mie sekardus terus gua jual ke tetangga sekitar?
Atau gua kasiin aja ke tetangga yang pada nganggur tuh di sebelah rumah, suruh jualan bakwan kek, es nong-nong kek, atau apa kek?
Atau gimana ya? Gua mau nyobain usaha apa?
Atau gua simpen lagi aja ya?
Kalo gak salah dulu gua pernah belajar di kuliahan namanya bikin bussiness plan. Di situ dipelajari juga perbandingan-perbandingan menternakan uang. Pembanding paling dasar adalah suku bunga bank. Kalo misalnya sampe waktu tertentu (tarohlah 2 taon), hasil dari perhitungan yang gua dapatkan untuk usaha gua lebih kecil dari gua nabung di bank, mendingan gua nabung di bank. Jadi kayaknya gua mesti ngitung-ngitung ulang nih. Lucu juga! Bikin business plan untuk uang sebesar 2 juta. Gak apalah itung-itung belajar jadi pengusaha muda. Sapa tau aja dari 2 juta berkembang jadi 20 juta, 200 juta, 2 milyar. Lumayan kan, langsung beli rumah, sama sekolah lagi di Queen Mary tanpa harus repot-repot cari beasiswa. Hahahaha...
Thursday, October 11, 2007
When David Heard
I am definitely hipnothyzed by this song. A very-mery-extraordinary-emotional masterpiece. I heard the Brigham Young University Singer sang it. It's perfect.
A long the song I can feel the emotions. The emotions of the song. The emotions of the singers also. Gosh, it's so great to hear it. Bravo to Eric and Brigham Young.
This song is about King David crying for his son Absalom that died slained. Eventhough Absalom actually did the bad things to him, King David still love Absalom. We can hear from the song that King David cries in a really doom for Absalom.
The compositions of Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Bass are perfect. The dynamic is incridible. The piano, forte even the pianissimo and fortessimo, are deeply touching. I can cry everytime I hear the smooth progress of Bass, Alto, and Soprano from the very small one the the very grande voices. Slowly, slowly, slowly, cries: "my son... my son... my son... my son... my son... absalom...". Bravo to all the singers with a very tremendous vocal technique. The choir succeeded to perform this song. The singer even could produce overtone (tone which produces because several voices resonant perfectly one each other) voices a long the song. No other words can be said. Standing appaluse for them.
I dare to say. This song is written not for entertaining. It absolutely not.
This song is masterpiece.
Mencari Beasiswa (Finding Scholarship)
Should I run for shcolarship? Why can't scholarship come to me?
Hmm... mesti GRE, Toefl, les bahasa lagi, wadoh mahal-mahal pula. Terjemahin Ijazah dari SD ampe kuliah (dalam hati buat apa pula ijazah SD). Mesti belajar lagi buat semuanya. Mesti banyak-banyak latihan, dsb.
Too complicated, must study for GRE, Toefl, IELTS, etc. Lot of documents need to be prepared and lot of cost need to be spent.
Sementara waktu yang gua punya gak gitu banyak. Less time for searching, much time for scholarship.
Semoga adalah yang tiba-tiba nawarin. Sampe tiba-tiba ada yang nawarin kayaknya gua mencoba nyari aja ah. Dari pada nganggur-nganggur. Hahaahha...
Hmmm... why don't the scholarship suddenly come to me. I'll catch it and hug it tightly so it can't let go. Meanwhile I'm waiting, maybe I could search it again.
Hah, malas bangat suruh cari beasiswa. Malas. Lazy.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
At least five (hmm... it's quite much) of my friends ever involved in this phenomenon. I don’t really understand about this, the excitement in this kind of world or anything. I don’t know either whether I agree or disagree with this phenomenon. One thing that I understand is I choose to still keen on them, my friends who involved. On the other hand, bible said that this phenomenon merely occurs in next world. I see it coming smoothly nowadays.
One of them ever said to me: “to love other man is as the same as you love a girl.” I remember, when I fall in love to a girl, I will everyday think of her. In my diner, in my breakfast, in my lunch, in my shower, before I fall a sleep, every time I will think about her and imagine everything about her. It is irresistible. Then I wonder, if I can not resist the temptation of loving girl, maybe a gay person-according to my friend’s explanation-has the same feeling to love other man, or to love other girl if it’s a lesbian. To realize it, make me don’t dare to judge them wrong or right.
What is gay? What is homosexuality? I don’t know. I don’t know when it was started. I don’t know who invented this. Some people said it is a choice (contradictive with script that said it is sin). Other said there are phases for this. Surely I said I don’t know. I don’t dare also to give opinion about this. I don’t deeply understand about this. Some people said they are born as a homosexual. Some people consider much about his/her neighborhood and also the most harmful one: virtual internet world for this. Other said it is their parent false. Or is it Evil’s work? Could be, but I still can’t judge them.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007
New Virtual Friend
Start from leaving messages, we start to correspond via email. It is very nice to meet someone from other part pf the world. Definitely different style, different life, different background from me, then she actually chat with me. It's just very odd, but surely very please at the same time.
Now, she much help me in English. She often sends me email of correction and I also often read her blog and check it in my dictionary for strange words. Thanks God, my e-dictionary quite complete to show all of the words.
Acquaintance greeting from me to you, Jenny Oliver.
8 keanehan gua
1. Gua suka banget nyanyi-nyanyi gak jelas gitu. Yang paling gua suka adalah gua nyanyi-nyanyi waktu berkendara motor. Wakakaakakakakak. Teriak-teriak pula. Belakangan genre gua kedangdut-dangdutan. Hehehehehehe.
2. Gua suka banget memperhatikan orang ngomong sambil memikirkan garis sistematis dari semua perkataan orang tersebut. Kalau-kalau dia keluar dari garis sistematis itu gua pasti protes. Setidaknya dalam hati.
3. Gua tidur harus 8 jam. Kayak bayi aja. Kalo gak gitu biasanya gua kecapekan.
4. Gua suka panikan kalo ketemu hal baru. Suka pusing banget mikirin apa yang bakal terjadi.
5. Gua kalo nulis gak bisa panjang-panjang. Biasanya gua cuma menuliskan apa yang menjadi ide pokok gua baru kasih hiasan dikit. Kalo disuruh mendeskripsikan secara detail biasanya gua males.
6. Gua suka memikirkan banyak hal di alam pikiran gua. Gua sering banget menghayal dipikiran gua. Gua suka membuat skenario lain dari hidup yang gua jalankan. Gua suka bermimpi. Mimpi adalah kerajaan gua.
7. Gua suka banget ngajar. Gua suka melihat perubahan orang lain dari kurang bisa menjadi lebih bisa. Suatu kepuasan buat gua menyaksikan itu.
8. Gua kalo ngomong bahasa inggris sama orang yang kurang jago bahasa inggris bisa lancar banget. Tapi sebaliknya, kalo ngomong ama yang jago bahasa inggris atau native speaker, lidah gua jadi kelu. Entah mengapa.
Perasaan gak aneh-aneh banget yah gua. Malah kelihatan seperti selera pribadi or keunikan pribadi aja. Kayaknya gua emang gak aneh-aneh deh orangnya. Hehehehehhe...
Friday, October 05, 2007
Apa sih sebenernya UWB itu?
UWB atau Ultra Wide Bandwith adalah salah satu teknologi alternatif masa kini untuk komunikasi data nirkabel ngebut atau bahasa bataknya mah high speed wireless data communication. UWB didefinisikan sebagai komunikasi nirkabel yang menggunakan pita frekuensi lebih dari 2o% frekuensi tengahnya atau sekitar 500 MHz dari pita frekuensi. Teknologi ini menjadi sorotan banget karena low-cost dan konsumsi dayanya yang rendah untuk aplikasi komunikasi konsumen.
Biasa emang, kalo teknologi udah canggih-canggih kayak gini pasti ada aja masalahnya. Masalahnya adalah kompleksitas pada sisi penerima. Masalah konsumsi daya, delay, low-cost semua sih udah tertangani, tapi masalah di sisi penerima malah nambah. Penerima yang kompleks dibutuhkan untuk seleksi frekuensi, penanganan multipath fading, dsb. Yang pastii trade off-nya sekitaran-pada teknologi ini-performa penerima, kapasitas kanal, dan kompleksitas penerima.
Teknologi ini terdiri dari tiga, yang terkenal. Ada OFDM, ada (Impluse Radio) IR-UWB ama ada (direct sequence) DS-UWB. Kalo IR-UWB ciri-cirinya memiliki pulsa-pulsa ultra-short, daya rendah, dan imun terhadap interference. Sementara DS-UWB dicirikan dengan limited low emission dan lebar pita sekitar 1.5 dan 3 GHz.
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Marriage vs. Ego

It is not proved yet, it is just my hypothesis. As it is a hypothesis I must find the reason why could be. Some logic reason which I can find are:
+ Married People have taste the heaven. (You know what I mean by heaven right??? don't pretend as you don't know) And as they already taste "the heavenly-earth thing", I'm sure they already satisfied and don't want to be exploited by ego things. The heavenly-earth thing is give excessive satisfaction than the ego. So they leave it.
+ Married people, especially they who already have child, will put 99,99% concern in their family. For a father, he will concern much for his wife and children. They will not act extremely for this. For example, in small chat and discussion, they will not take it personally when their opinion was attacked. They will just say: "oh...". It's quite different with young one. Once his/her opinion being attacked, he/she will run their brain processor very fast to counter it back. It's true. Try to notice. Less fight in talking to married people than they who haven't.
+ (blank)
+ (blank, haven't found it yet)
For those who agree with me, could you help me with my hypothesis... Thanks
Write = Talk
I write too much but less read.
I used to enjoy listening someone stories. Every time my friend want to talk to me, I do like his/her story. What happened to me now? I seem forget the delight. Gosh, how can it be.
I assume as I write much in my blog but less read, I also like to talk rather than listening.
Conversation vs. blog
talk vs. write
listen vs. read
It is horrible. It must not be like this. I should try to read again, I should try to listen again.
Surely, it's tired to read and listen. But, I believe it's more powerful than write and talk much.
Really Need Practice English
My English is getting poor nowadays. Don't know why, don't know how, but my spirit in learning English was murdered. And I don't know, I just can not realize when it has been murdered and by who. But, really, suddenly, it just dead. Pheeww...
How bout I start it again. Like, for example, by writing my purpose in writing blog.
As you can feel in my blogs, my writings is bout my feeling. Journey of my life. And my intention is everyone who reads my blogs may also feel my feel. What for? So that they can feel. Just it. Feel. Through my writings, hopefully everyday, they can practice their heart to feel. And every words, justs, and everything they will do, they will not just use their brain but also their heart. Because it is my strong. Heart. Heart which can feel.
Also, through my writings, I learn by my self to write. May be one day, I become a great writer. As you all knew that many great people will mark their life through book. I believe I will be a great person one day. That's why I learn to write since beginning.
Ada yang menganggap teguran itu sebagai suatu bukti kebencian atau ketidaksukaan terhadap dirinya. Alhasil mulai saat teguran itu di dengar di telinganya, genderang perang mulai ditabuh. Sebisa mungkin di saat ada kesempatan akan dilancarkan pembalasan baik berupa teguran lagi maupun tindakan yang menjatuhkan. Rasanya ini berbahaya.
Ada pula yang menganggap teguran ini hanya sebagai angin lalu saja. Parasnya saat ditegur sih terlihat sangat serius. Tampak diwajahnya penyesalan yang begitu mendalam, namun sebenarnya pikirannya melayang-layang. Tidak hanya itu, ada pula yang dia berkata iya dan iya, padahal dipikirannya "yang tersembunyi itu" dia membela dirinya sendiri melalui segala celah diperkataan sang penegur.
Ada pula yang memang benar-benar mendengarkan dan akan berusaha untuk mengubah. Teguran tersebut tidak hanya mengiang di telinganya, namun juga mengiang di hatinya, dan di kala dibutuhkan teguran itu akan menjadi alarm sehingga perbuatan salah yang terjadi di masa lampau tidak akan terulang lagi.
Seperti ada istilah:
Siapa yang tidak berhasil mempelajari masa lalu, ia akan kembali mengulangnya lagi
Gua sendiri menganggap teguran itu sebagai pesan Yang Maha Kuasa untuk diri gua. Cuma DIA memakai orang lain-tidak hanya orang lain, bisa juga DIA memakai batu-untuk berkata-kata. Alhasil gua gak selalu pusing dengan masalah personal saat teguran hadir di telinga gua, tapi gua bakal pusing urusannya dengan Sang Pencipta gua tadi. Emang sih, kadang hal ini gak selalu berhasil, kadang kalau orangnya keterlaluan gua juga jadi sebel sama orang yang dipakai Tuhan itu. Tapi yah, biar bagaimanapun sepertinya tidak ada yang peduli akan perubahan karakter gua di seluruh jagat raya ini kecuali Tuhan saja. Sehingga, yah, gua percaya bahwa cuma DIA saja yang mau repot-repot menegor gua. Manusia lain? Gak yakin deh gua, mereka pasti udah sibuk dengan pikirannya masing-masing.
Monday, October 01, 2007

Gua punya temen SMA yang jenius banget dalam hal gambar-menggambar. Leonardo. Dulu kalo ada keperluan untuk gambar-menggambar di majalah rohani sekolah, dia selalu menjadi sasaran utama. Langsung deh, dengan sangat mudah dia menggambar semua yang kami perlukan. Jangan salah yah... gambarnya dia tuh bukan gambar sembarangan, dia tuh Jenius. Sekarang beliau kerja dipenerbit apa gitu, sebagai komikus.
Leonardo Dream of His Flying Machine, salah satu judul lagu yang dinyanyikan paduan suara Brigham Young University Singers. Berkisah tentang Master Leonardo yang bermimpi menjadikan sebuah mesin yang dapat terbang. Lirik yang paling gua suka: The human triumph being ascending, in the dreaming of the Master Leonardo.
Hmm... ternyata, banyak banget yang gua tahu yang bernama Leonardo itu berhubungan dengan seni.

Ciri-ciri Orang Berjiwa Besar
saat dia berfantasi sekalipun dipikirannya, itu adalah untuk kebaikan orang lain.
Hampir setiap orang di muka bumi ini adalah egois. Keegoisan seseorang itu akan nyata sekali dalam khayalan-khayalannya. Setiap saat, saat seseorang itu melamun, saat seseorang itu menciptakan skenario kehidupannya sendiri, pasti, untuk kesenangannya sendiri. Untuk kebaikannya sendiri saja. Tidak pernah untuk kebaikan orang lain. Agak aneh juga sih ya, setidaknya buat gua, kalo melamun atau berfantasi itu bukan untuk kesenangan diri sendiri. Toh, itu gak melibatkan orang lain. Itu alam gua. Pikiran itu milik gua.
Tapi coba pikirkan. Alangkah luar biasanya kalau seseorang, bahkan dalam fantasinya yang begitu dalam, atau pikirannya yang paling jauh di dasar sana, adalah pemikiran atau fantasi yang memerdulikan sesamanya. Sebagai contoh:
Gua berfantasi anak-anak di somalia akhirnya merasakan nikmatnya makanan-makanan hotel bintang 5 dan mereka selalu makan teratur 3 kali sehari ditambah makanan ringan tiap sore.
Gua menyusun skenario kehidupan gua, di alam pemikiran gua sendiri, di kala melamun, kalau pada akhirnya gua mampu menguak rahasia gembong penyebar narkoba di Indonesia, sehingga alhasil Indonesia lepas dari Narkoba.
atau juga,
Seseorang berfantasi dia mampu memberikan jalan keluar terbaik perang saudara di Irak berakhir.
Wuihh... agak aneh sih mendengarnya. Biasanya seseorang itu kalau berfantasi tentang dia menjadi kaya, atau membayangkan fantasi seksual, atau juga menyusun skenario kalau dia akan menjadi sangat tersanjung, dan sebagainya.
Tapi ya itulah kenyataanya. Seseorang yang sukses, dan perduli akan orang banyak, akan memerdulikan orang lain sampai ke alam bawah sadarnya.
Bagaimana dengan kita? Pernahkah kita sekali saja berfantasi untuk kebaikan orang lain? Untuk khalayak ramai? Untuk bumi kita tercinta ini agar lebih baik?
Jujur saja, saya belom pernah. Tapi setidaknya dimulai dari inspirasi saya melalui tulisan ini, saya akan belajar untuk memerdulikan orang lain, bahkan sampai di alam bawah sadar saya.