Friday, November 30, 2007
Beda Jadi Alumni
Waktu itu menghadapi beliau-beliau ini penuh dengan keseganan. Penuh dengan rasa ketakutan, kalau-kalau permintaan yang kami ajukan di tolak. Tapi sebenarnya lebih jauh dari pada itu, untuk bertemu beliau-beliau ini saja sepertinya menakutkan sekali. Nampaknya bapak-bapak tadi adalah dewa di tempat nun tinggi di sana dan kami hanyalah mahasiswa jelata. Setidaknya itulah yang gua rasakan. Dengan penuh ketakutan kami menghadap sang dewa tadi dan minta dikabulkan permohonannya. Walaupun permohonan dikabulkan, itu berasa anugerah banget. Kalo tahanan mah kayak dapet migrasi kali dari presiden.
Kini, setelah mendapat predikat alumni, semuanya terlihat begitu berbeda. Bapak-bapak tadi sama-sama berdiskusi dengan kami. Segalanya terlihat lebih jelas. Setiap orang (alumni) mampu menempatkan dirinya masing-masing. Sama-sama membahas tentang kemajuan kampus, sama-sama berguyon tentang keluarga, dan sama-sama tertawa tentang anak masing-masing.
Hmm... tau begitu gak usah setakut itu deh menghadapi bapak-bapak ini. Kan punya peran masing-masing dan punya kehidupan masing-masing yang dijalani, kalau kebetulan bersinggungan harusnya saling membantu ya...
Akh, andai saja gua sedewasa ini dulu, mungkin lebih berhasil di kampus. Hehe.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
O Holy Night
Celine Dion : 10
Il Divo: 9,9
Mariah Carey : 9,8
Josh Groban : 9,3
Michael Bolton: 8,7
Sarah Brightman: ?? (haven't heard yet)
And many elses...
It's just what that I like. It has nothing to do with the technique or anything.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
40% Geek
How ever. Yippie. I like the result.

Between idealism and real life
Robert, a lawyer, forced by his little daughter to help her, but this help lead him far enough to re-taste what is love and be loved. Unfortunately, Robert is already engage with
during the film I also had war within my self: “Princess Beauty must together with Prince Charming, it was meant to be.” Then the director breaks this legend, this doctrine and changes it to be realistic. Like other always said, hope is against with reality. The good news is: reality could also be positive, not always negative. The reality could also be happy and not be mean.
The music, ehmmm... no doubt. This is a Walt Disney film, of course it must be good. Excellence.
How does she know that you lover her...
How does she know that you really really truly love her...
PS: This is “our” first movie.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Life After Death
Are you ready enough to meet your creator? Are you scare? Or, are you feel suffer for it?
I heard priest asking those questions yesterday in church. The Sunday service yesterday is about in memoriam for all friends who death this year. We altogether were reminded of them again and think deeply about what is death.
Then one think came which really got my mind. The priest it self had already face the death of his beloved one. And it was his child. Suddenly all of his words before became fill; un-empty.
He told us that the death of his son, 28 years old, were in a really close time with his wedding day, just another 2 weeks. Then he said. I was cried. But I was not crying in craziness. “I just thank God for my son, for his 28 years, and for the opportunity to be a parent of him for those years. I knew that He already in heaven above right now, with our Father, then I rejoiced of It. I have faith on it”, the priest add.
Hmm... It made me thought carefully. Do I really miss my creator later if I die? Or will I scare of Him? On the other hand, I had the same thought with the priest when my beloved father died. I was not really in sadness. Big part of my self thankful for his life and let my father go to his creator.
Life after death. Do you believe it?
Ps: for those who believe it, have you prepared for it?
Friday, November 23, 2007
Rain in The Summer
You can download it here: Rain in The Summer. Come on guys... please give comments!
Rain in The Summer
Dmaj7 Gm7
I try it so hard to find that happiness
Dmaj7 Gm7
It’s just like a song in the wind it will just gone with the wind
Dmaj7 Gm7
I find it so hard to meet those shining stars
Dmaj7 Gm7
Those warm hearts I’ve met never been, yeah I felt it never been
Bm F#m7 Bm F#m7
Oh I really want it; of course I badly want it
G Gm7 G#dim7
I confess the love You gave me can fill it in
It is like a rain in the summer season
Rain in the summer season
Em G#dim7 Dmaj7
Rain in the dessert in awe of You
It is like a rain in the summer season
F#m7 Bsus2
Rain in the desert doom
Em G#dim7 Dmaj7
Be it in my heart in grace of You
Half Engineer-Half Artist

Thursday, November 22, 2007
Beowulf vs. Stardust

This film is a great film. The animation: hmm… amazing. However, I still saw several un-details works at the animation. For example:
- The face of people is not detail. Only several persons like the Beowulf, Angelina Jolly and the King and the Queen that have a detail intention. Other than that seems ease.
- The lips while their talking were inappropriate
- The reflex-gestures are not happened. Like the breast of Angelina Jolly doesn’t synchronize up and down with her moves.
Stardust, a very great movie. A story. A legend. A very fast movie. I will not regret to watch it twice in the theatre. This will be my first movie that I will watch more than one time.

A story about a star which falls down to earth, a very beautiful star. A story about a young man which change so much. From a looser to a brave one. A story about chasing the star. Chase for an eternal life (chasing the star by witches), chase for the power (chase the star by the princes), chase for love (Tristan chase for his lovers gift). Unexpectedly, the love finds its own ways, between the star and Tristan.
My favorite is when the Star gives her Opinion about human. She (The star) already lives since ancient year. She knows what is human. She knows the human changes. She knows the way of human loving. She knows the way of human hating each others also. She knows much about human. She knows the kiss. She knows the war. She watches it by her own what happened in earth by human.
By that time, that scenario, a star which always looks in to the human, she gives the opinion about human. She said, and although human are very mean, she always praises the love. The love is very beautiful. And even though the hates are so much hatred, the beauty of love makes human too precious to be vanished.
Beowulf: 7
Stardust: 10
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Research of Magi

Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Then I cheked it in my Active Meter account that almost all visits are by me. Hahahahahahahaha... Then my blog is afirmatively uninteresting. Hahahahahhaa....
Maybe from 5001; the visitors are divided; like this
4821 : Me
180 : Unique Visitors
Hahahaha... I'm just hoping to getting better in writing
However I also found several uniqe visitors of this blog. And I surprised that the visitors are from different countries (not just Indonesia). Some who quite loyal visiting this blog.
My thanks to whoever you are in:
- Texas (Could it be Amos?)
- Surabaya (?? Maybe Hatta)
- California (Kak Mer, kali..)
- Bandung (Ofcourse my friends)
- Oslo
- Kuala Lumpur
- Negeri Sembilan
- Taipei
- Tel Aviv
- Gresik
- Malang
- Preston (Jeki nih pasti)
- Delft (Credo)
- San Diego (Kak Mer juga kali...)
- Riyadh
Haha... It is amusing isn't it. It's just like speech after I receive award or something. Hmm, just count it as a practice for Nobel price. Hehe..
Nga Saminggu Mate Aek
Angka aha do pamarenta ni kota Jakarta on? Holan manako do boi... molo karejo dang sintong. Nga saminggu mate aek, alai dang a dong, otik pun dang a dong usaha ni pamarenta kota on. Dang a dong muse dibaritahon di koran, di manang di televisi. Muse dang adong manang sada aparat sahat tu daerah ta tumagihon kasus on.
Alai, tumagon ma. Adong do sumur tetangga. Boi au maridi. Molo minum, manuhor galon ma. Manuci ma doang boi. Nga hampir suda salawar dalam ta'. Pangurupi i, boa ma ibana manuci angka abit on? Molo dang adong aek.
Muse, molo nang manuhor aek, arga na i amang. Holan lima kaleng, otik, Rp.5000. Ago yamang. Nga songon aha hubereng on. Songon jaman Jepangi. Songon jaman penjajahan.
Alai, bersyukur ma au, manang tersenyum. Molo tersenyum, cerah do hati. Cerah do ngolu. Martangiang ma au, asa hatop aek mardalan. Asa boi hita maridi manang hidup normal nai.
PS: Written in Batak Language
Yang Paling Menakutkan dari Kebodohan
Back to the topic, yang paling serem dari kebodohan nurut gua adalah
Ambil contoh, supir-supir yang nggak bertanggung jawab. Gua yakin mereka bukannya sengaja, bisa jadi mereka gak tahu kalo itu membahayakan orang lain. Kasus-kasus pembunuhan dan pencelakaan di tivi-tivi juga gua gak yakin pelaku sepenuhnya menyadari apa yang mereka telah lakukan. Takutnya mereka memang belom mengerti betul, kalau melukai atau membahayakan orang lain adalah salah...
Gua jadi inget film "Canibal" yang pernah gua tonton. Macam itulah. Orang makan orang. Suku yang satu memakan suku yang lain. Very much like beast. Hmm... Tapi sebenernya mereka gak bodoh juga sih. Emang kayak begitu kan sistem kehidupan kedua suku itu. Setelah dibandingkan dengan kita aja makanya kita sebut mereka "bodoh" atau "ketinggalan jaman". Bisa jadi dipikiran mereka kita yang "bodoh". Hahahahahahaha... Manusia memang sangat subjektif.
Hmm... jadi bagaimana mengatasi
Monday, November 19, 2007
111 Ericsson FM, Taking You Forward (Mati air)
Hmm... cuaca sekarang terlihat agak mendung. Buat para pembaca setia yang mungkin mengendarai motor atau pun pejalan kaki memang sebaiknya mulai menyiapkan jas hujannya masing-masing atau payungnya. Hmm... kalau udah masuk musim hujan begini emang sebaiknya kita mulai beli deh peralatan musim dingin kita. Payung, jas hujan, jaket, dsb. Yang udah agak usang, robek, dsb. memang sebaiknya udah harus diganti lah. Jangan lupa siapin budget buat ini. Buat yang dapet bonus gede, bisa juga lho tinggiin rumah supaya nggak kebanjiran lagi.
Teman saya yang sekarang berdomisili di Eropa sana juga sudah mulai melengkapi koleksi musim dinginnya. Karena memang bisa kelabakan kalau winter season di eropa sana.
Anehnya, hujan udah selebat apapun koq masih ada aja yah yang mati air di Jakarta ini. Denger-denger sih karena saluran pipa penyalur air bersih untuk daerah Jakarta Utara bobol. Entah benar entah ngga. Perasaan makin gak beres aja nih kerjanya pemkot Jakarta ini. Tapi yah saya juga gak bisa menghakimi, karena gua gak pernah ngerasain repotnya kerja di sana. Yah, asas percaya aja deh kalau semua pihak sudah mengerjakan bagiannya masing-masing dan pipa bocor itu hanya kecelakaan semata.
Tapi besar juga lho efeknya. Bayangkan, hampir seluruh Jakarta Utara mati air... Wuiiihhh... lumayan kan. Gimana juga nasib usaha-usaha yang berbasis air sebagai bahan utamanya? Macam cuci motor/mobil, bak air, dsb. Abis airnya bener-bener kering kerontang.
Gua sendiri, untung aja tetangga punya sumur, jadi bisa mandi pake itu. Dan Thanks God banget buat penemu air galon, jadinya gak kesulitan minum juga. Hmmmm...
Oke segitu dulu keluh kesah warga Jakarta kali ini. Sebaiknya jangan terlalu sering berkeluh kesah deh... banyak-banyakin senyum aja pembaca, pasti bahagia.
Satu buah lagu dari Maroon 5 akan saya putarkan untuk pembaca sekalian... tentu aja yah, pembaca gak bisa dengar. She will be loved. Hmm... one of my favourite song juga nih. Sambil nyanyi-nyanyi kecil sambil ngelakuin pekerjaan seru juga lho.
Lagu ini juga saya putarkan untuk pembaca yang lagi butek nih, dan udah mulai ngantuk-ngantuk bekerja. Hehehehe...
Hmm... moga-moga bersemangat deh denger lagu ini
Beauty queen of only eighteen
She had some trouble with herself
He was always there to help her
She always belonged to someone else
I drove for miles and miles
And wound up at your door
I’ve had you so many times but somehow
I want more
I don’t mind spending everyday
Out on your corner in the pouring rain
Look for the girl with the broken smile
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile
And she will be loved
She will be loved
Tap on my window knock on my door
I want to make you feel beautiful
I know I tend to get insecure
It doesn’t matter anymore
It’s not always rainbows and butterflies
It’s compromise that moves us along
My heart is full and my door’s always open
You can come anytime you want
I don’t mind spending everyday
Out on your corner in the pouring rain
Look for the girl with the broken smile
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile
And she will be loved
She will be loved
I know where you hide
Alone in your car
Know all of the things that make you who you are
I know that goodbye means nothing at all
Comes back and begs me to catch her every time she falls
Gaji Tuh Tanggung Jawab
Suatu kali gua yang kena, terus gua bilang truth. Ditanya masalah gaji ama temen gua. Suddenly gua mikir, langsung aja pengen gua jawab, ngapain ditutup-tutupin. Gua pikir mah gak perlu.
Kenapa? Soalnya gua mikir gaji tuh titipan Tuhan untuk digunakan dengan bijak di dunia ini. Jadi yah seberapa pun besar gaji kita, yah itu mesti diolah sepintar mungkin untuk kebaikan.
Sometimes, gua kadang bingung sama orang-orang yang kerja mengejar gaji. Pindah kerja hanya karena masalah gaji. "Di sana gajinya lebih tinggi", gitu kira-kira katanya. Kayak gaji itu bakal jadi milik kita aja. Itu mah titipan doang. Nurut gua sendiri yang penting itu malah kerjanya. Pengabdiannya. Hehehehehe... belagu banget yah gue. Tapi sejujurnya, yah begitulah gua. Hehehehehe...
Mungkin tulisan selanjutnya adalah bagaimana mengolah gaji dengan benar. Kayaknya gua kurang capable deh untuk jawab ini sekarang-sekarang ini. Secara, gua juga belom terlalu bijak mengolah gaji.
Melly tuh jago bikin ginian. Tips mengolah gaji dengan bijak. Monggo Mel'...
Friday, November 16, 2007
Dewa 19
Jangan salah gua pencinta musik-musik rock juga. Slow rock, band, dll. Tapi gua sama sekali gak dapet senengnya dengerin musik-musik Dewa 19.
Apa gua salah ya... Tapi emang gua gak selera sih ama lagu-lagunya Dewa.
Yang gua suka tuh macam Simple Plan, Maroon Five, Kerispatih, Kelly Clarkson.
Dan nurut gua yang musiknya cerdas tuh macam Eric Whitacre, Maxim.
Kayaknya gua anomali banget deh dalam hal selera musik.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Ada beberapa pengakuan yang mau gua akuin di blog gua kali ini. Yakni tentang semua kenorakan gua.
Norak 1: Secara gua lagi bekerja di Bandung dan bawa mobil sendiri, gua ngerasa keren banget. Kayak eksekutif muda gitu lho. Sebentar ngerjain ini, nyetir lagi, sebentar ke hotel, nyetir lagi, sebentar menuhin janji. Kampung abis yah gua??
Norak 2: Gua baru aja pertama kali barhasil menggunakan teknologi Wireless di laptop gua. Kampung abis deh pokoknya gua. Bahagia banget. Wikiikikikikikik.
Norak 3: Hmmm... belom ada. Ntar gua kabari kalo udah ada.
Hehehehhe... gak apalah, emang gua orangnya gini. Maklum atuh gua kan emang banyak gak tau apa-apa. Hihihihihi.
Koneksi Wireless Pertama
Di mana?? Di Hotel Horison Bandung. Mari berbondong-bondonglah ke mari. Asyik bgt deh pokoknya.
Gua norak banget deh pake koneksi ini. Sebelumnya gua belom tahu gimana caranya make teknologi ini. Ternyata sekarang udah bisa. Ayolah mana semua WLAN yang ada di dunia ini. Gua samperin loe pake laptop tercinta gua.
Seneng juga jadi bisa ngetik sendiri.
Sebenernya lebih keren lagi kalo bisa ngetik langsung di kamar nih. Tapi sayangnya salah satu hot spot nya sedang mengalami gangguan, alhasil gua mesti ke deket-deket kolam dulu baru bisa.
Wah... senangnya. Selamat datang teknologi tinggi.
Udah ah, gua mesti cut over BSC nih. Hehe.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Eh... ada tempat makan baru
Ada tempat makan baru di depan hotel Horison Marta Negara. Sate Maranggi. Gua sih belom sempet nyobain satenya. Tapi gua udah sempet nyobain Ayam Gorengnya. Maak, gurih pisan siah! kata orang sunda mah..
Menu Ayam Goreng ini paling enak ditemani ama Teh Manis Anget, secara, Bandung dingin gitu lho. Pas banget deh jadinya. Apalagi buat kamu-kamu yang udah lama banget gak ke Bandung dan keseringan di Jakarta. Menu ini, dijamin, bisa membawamu terbang sebentar ke sorga.
Sayang gua sendirian makannya. Gua celingak-celinguk aja kanan-kiri. Sambil liat-liat yang lalu lalang. Terus tiba-tiba ada tukang ngamen nyanyinya gini:
Malam ini aku sendiri...
Tidak seperti malam-malam sebelumnya...
Dalam hati gua, lagu macam apa ini. Terus gua liat semua meja cuman gua yang sendirian. Whuaaa, pengamennya sengaja banget tuh gua tahu. Ngejek banget. Mentang-mentang gua sendirian. Dasar!!
Gua juga ditawari pijat gratis 10 menit. Hiii... serem. Mana gua di kamar sendirian. Ntar kalo yang mijit cewe gimana? Hiii... ntar pikiran gua melayang-layang gak jelas lagi. Jadi gua tolak aja ah...
Segitu dulu cerita tentang Bandung. What else nih?
Surabaya-Kuala Lumpur- Bandung-...
New York kapan yah??? Wakakakakakakakakak...
Hmmm... segar...
Nyetir pagi-pagi dari Jakarta menuju Bandung. Waktu masih di Jakarta, beeh: riweuh. Tapi begitu udah masuk tol lancarrrrr. Langsung menuju Cikampek, dilanjutkan ke Bandung. Segar.
Apalagi sambil ditemani GMB Worship Project-salah satu album Band GMB-yang slow melow merelow. Apalagi yang gua lakukan selain ikutan menyanyi. Sepanjang jalan. Bodo amat orang-orang pada ngebut-ngebut. Gua sih santai aja sambil nyanyi-nyanyi. Gua ngambil suara 2 terus. Kebetulan range suara gua di bawah Sidney Mohede (sang vokalis). Hmm... taste very good. Udara segar, gak sumpek, ditemani lagu-lagu melow, ngambil suara dua, kecepatan tetap, teringat akan Yang Maha Kuasa.
Btw, setiap gua stel album ini di mobil, pasti gua teringat akan gang di Bandung yang sekarang udah nyebar ke seluruh penjuru dunia. Dulu kami sering banget nyetel album ini dalam mobil. Sering juga nyanyi bareng. Gua, tetep, dari dulu ngambil suara 2 kalo nyanyi lagu-lagu di album ini.
Hmm... teringat kekasih-kekasih jiwaku itu, jadi senyum-senyum sendiri gua. Inget-inget masa lalu dan berharap mendapatkannya kembali. Mana gua menuju Bandung, kota keramat bagi kami. Hehehe...
Lagi pula kali ini tujuan gua ke Bandung bukan untuk bersenang-senang. Kali ini karena ada urusan kantor. Lumayan 3 hari, menginap di Hotel Horizon (juga, hotel keramat buat kami).
Hihihi.. Bandung dengan segala keramahannya tiba-tiba kembali menyambutku.
Entah bisa atau tidak menikmati parasmu di kesempatan kali ini.
PS: Nampaknya akan disibukkan dengan pekerjaan nih, baru pertama kali soalnya.
Friday, November 09, 2007
Warna Merah
Zaman dulu ketika gua ditanya: "lu paling suka warna apa?", gua pasti nggak langsung menjawab merah. gak tau kenapa?? Padahal gua suka sekali warna itu. Buat gua warna itu sangat cerah dan sangat meriah. Sangat kuat dan sangat megah. Cuma pada saat pertanyaan senada terlontar gua pasti akan memutar otak dua kali dan menjawab bukan merah. Kadang gua jawab "hijau', kadang "putih", dsb. Rasanya tuh gua menghindari banget menjadi diri gua sendiri. Rasanya gua menolak apa yang sebenarnya gua suka. Rasanya gua membohongi diri gua sendiri.
Entah apa yang salah sama masa kecil gua sehingga gua koq gak mau bangga dengan kesukaan-kesukaan gua, bahkan untuk masalah warna kesukaan gua sekalipun. Kenapa dulu gua gak memperjuangkan warna merah tersebut. Melainkan gua malu mengakuinya. Heran! Padahal sebagai anak kecil gua dulu suka banget warna merah. Kalo sekarang mah biasa aja.
Namun rasanya gak bagus deh kayak gitu. Gak mau mengakui apa yang gua suka. Gak mau jujur ama diri sendiri. Malah nyusahin diri sendiri dan menjadi orang lain. Rasanya kesalahan itu gak mau gua lakuin lagi. Gua mesti jujur ama diri gua mulai saat ini. Harus mulai bangga ama diri sendiri dan harus bersyukur atas selera gua.
Monday, November 05, 2007
Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives;
Be kind anyway.
If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies;
Succeed anyway.
If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you;
Be honest and frank anyway.
What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight;
Build anyway
If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous;
Be happy anyway.
The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow;
Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough;
Give the world the best you've got anyway.
You see in the final analysis. it is between you and God;
It was never between you and them anyway.
(Mother Theressa)
I Can't agree more.
Helm sekaligus monitor HP
Sebenernya gua gak pengen angkat ataupun liat tuh sms, tapi yah hati kecil gua mengatakan: ada kemungkinan yang nge-sms itu bukan temen gua yang udah sampe duluan itu. Bisa jadi hal yang lain yang urgent. Suddenly gua menghela nafas seraya bermimpi: "andai aja gua bisa baca sms di helm gua..."

Friday, November 02, 2007

Tawuran, a term to express high school students massive fighting with other high school students from different school. Don't tell me... they are beast enough when they fight each other. Knive, rock, gun, everything, they use to hurt their rival.
This day, in my journey to office, for such a long time I've never heard about tawuran again, suddenly I saw it by my self. One of them picked the rock and then threw it against his enemy. I saw it also by my self, people that he thinks as the enemy were also high school students, also using white shirt and grey pan uniform.
It's amusing and hurting me as the same time. They are high school studens, are they? It's a really the right time to get friends as much as they can. Inspite of throwing rocks, why don't they made some party and have fun in it together. What is the advantage of tawuran? what is the reward for those fighting? I still can't figure it out, why would they fight each other. Just because the pride of them selves. It has been very weird for me. What were they thinking so they can fight each other???
This is the time when a person must develop him/her self as best as they can. To improve all the skills and talents they have. How come suddenly tawuran still occurs? Look at those teenage Sinetrons, look at those teenage films. It is the time to think of your self and build our selves. When I was a student, I never think about tawuran. Never. I still don't understand why were they fight.
really, I am still confused by what were they looking for with tawuran. Odd.
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Financial Free

Suddenly this term comes in to my life. It forces to come in. I don't really want to know about it actually, but apparently whole world like it, the whole world moves to it.
Actually this term, financial free, already exist in this world for long time. It's just even bigger since Robert Kiyosaki wrote it in a book: rich dad poor dad. And as I said it before, suddenly lot of people make it as a basic principal or their life. Me, my self, ever heard it from my bro' in law, cousin, friends and else's. I haven't read that book actually, but my heart a little bit refused this term.
All contain of what so called financial free made me think a lot about what is financial, and of course what is free. I don't agree with Robert Kiyosaki actually. He said that Financial Free is a condition when money works for us, not us work for money. I don't know. It's just seem very differ from me.
My self have my own think, my own value about financial free.
Here it is.
I, as a believer, I believe that God creates human for a purpose, purpose to love Him, to live closely with Him, and to make this world a better life to live. However, this is a very big world, and to run it every person has his/her own specification. That's God will to choose his/her specification. God create us for Him and Us, He will do the best for us.
So that is us. We are doing something in this world. To do our own function, the purpose we'd been created, to please God Him self and ourselves.
What is the connection with financial free?? No, no connection. That's the answer. We must not chase it so much in our lives. Money, finance, it's just one of tools to help us to do our function. It shall not our main concern in this life. This life is about fulfilling God wills in our life.
He-God Himself-has promised: who ever want to be with Him in his kingdom, he/she will inherit all His rich. Money will come to you easily. And as I said before: money or finance will come after us as we doing our function. That is what I called: financial free. The condition when money is not our main concern in our daily life, as a matter of fact, God Himself take care of us and our financial. Imagine all of God's richness are become ours.
That is why in my financial free term applied more give more come back law. The condition when we give so much to else and we don't know some how we are getting rich. Why it could be like this? Because God believe in us. We can use us, our money to help else's. God please with that kind of behavior, so that as we more give, he will more please and give us more so we can give else's more. It's all God's money. We are just his treasurer.
For example, take a look on Oprah with her foundation Harpo. Day by day she is getting rich. But it is not her purpose, she never be satisfied with her richness. She always wants to help people, and as she can help others, that is her satisfaction. That is her function in this world with all her embedded abilities. And as she always help people, God give her more trust so that she can give hand to other gristly.
Hmm... I wonder, if I must have my own foundation one day. To help people.