Friday, February 06, 2009

Have Another Blog

Since this blog has too many readers, so I decided to create another blog. Place where I can write everything. Surely, everything. Hmm... I supposed only me, the blog and God who follow this blog. It's fine, sometimes I just need to write for my self. My truly self.

Therefore, I'm not gonna share this blog to you readers, and I'm sorry for that. It's just too private. And also, I use anonymous for every detail profiles in that blog.

Yet, that is the base purpose of a blog anyway, so a person can reread his/her life someday in the future, and take a lessons from there. Do you reread your blog often? I do. And I use to remind, what was the lesson in it.

What I'm trying to say is: it's really nice to have a blog, who just me to read it. Even a very secret thing I can wrote it down there. I just like the sensation. My secrets, it's actually out there. People read it. But, they never know who is written it.


IYA said...

Aneh....klo emang rahasia terus kenapa bilang???? hehehehe peace man

Unknown said...

What I'm trying to say is: it's really nice to have a blog, who just me to read it. Even a very secret thing I can wrote it down there. I just like the sensation. My secrets, it's actually out there. People read it. But, they never know who is written it.