That was our new track home. The last time I went home with him, we took the highway. This is the second time I drive, and I completely didn’t recognize this new track.
Along the way, Mr. Kayatmo gave me directions and suggestions needed. Gosh, trust me it’s really hard driving in Jakarta after the office hour. Mr. Kayatmo made me nervous along the way. With all the words suggested to me, I became very confused. Sometimes he said: “took the right side”; then “take the left side, there’s U turn in front”. A minute later he said; “we must be very left, definitely left” while, I was second from rightest track that time. It was definitely annoying. This is the map I made to make a picture our track.
The red arrows are the car movements.

Actually I was impressed by his driving skills. One opportunity I was home away with him, but that time he drove the car. Yes, he is a really great driver. Imagine what the age of him now is… I did really want to know his secret in driving like that.
That afternoon, after the long driving from our office, I implied “truly sorry sir, I have a mess driving”. Then he replied, “not mess, but unplanned”. He added “if you want to drive, planned it from the time you start the engine”. First time I was a little hurted with all his words along the journey, but then I realize something, something great:
"If you are an engineer, you must have the engineering souls in all you do, even driving”
I realize something, that old man, wanted to teach me something. Something that force me to think. But not just usual thinking, but a detail thinking. In all aspect of my life. That is to become a real engineer.
Wondering what is the really good plan for my only once life. I will plan it, and God will take care of it.
tampaknya lo dah semakin mature, shg bisa mengerti maksud tersirat orang tua. :D
please deh...
Mature is my middle name gitu lho...
Loh namamu Sahat Mature Hutajulu toh sangakain Sahat Hutajulu Bo, jd nama tengahnya Hutajulu
Hutajulu itu Family Name Iya, marga, bukan nama tengah. Bo itu sub marga yang gua ciptakan untuk anak-anak gua nanti.
Btw, met ultah Iya. Semoga makin dewasa dan segera ketemu jodoh (amiennn...)
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