Plow and Harvest Law, a law, simply law, similar with Archimedes Law or Newton Law. It’s simply like Gravity Law. If it stated in gravity law: if a thing is loosen in open air, it will be pulled to the earth surface. The righteous of gravity law is exactly the same with plow-harvest law; if you plow then you will harvest. Some people have a weird mind frame about prosperity and wealth. Some people choose to hoard their riches as much as possible. They think as they hoard it a lot, it will increase a lot. As of matter of fact “yes”, it will increase, but trust me, according to the Plow-Harvest Law; it will not increase exponentially, and even (if you are unwise) it will decrease gradually.
If you want your money duplicate more, according to this law, there’s only one way to do it. The way is by give, give and give more. Giving, giving and giving. But not that kind of giving which I mention here. Giving that would just ask for your money to duplicate more. Giving that I mention here is, kind of giving with all our hearts to them who need it badly. As we know, lots of people there need our help. People who are difficult to eat everyday, people who are in deep sad of disaster, or even people who are working for humanity reason. They all need our help.
Now, let me explain how this Law works. The truth which we should now earlier about this law is:
- - Everything which we have is not ours. They are all belongs to God.
- - We are the treasurer of God
- - So everything is in our hand is just temporary in our hands.
- - God’s willing is to help their children.
So, as God’s willing to help His children who are on the bad situation, everything wills He gives for their children. If it must be money or food, of course He will give it to His children. So He will ask His dedicated treasurer to supply His riches to His children who need.
Of course, not every people realize this, that they are treasurer of God. So they use what that they have as they want.
So, God, as He see one of His treasurers trustable to through His riches to His children need, He will trust more of His riches to these treasurers. I type it once again: he will trust more of His riches of these treasurers.
And this is the miracle, that we, His trustable treasures, simply don’t get annoyed anymore of what will we eat, what we will drive, where we will live, as we also realize that we are also His children that need help. We don’t hardly thinking anymore to get more money, since we know who is the source of the riches is. The God is self.
That’s it. That is the miracle, when we fully understand that the source of riches is God Himself. We are no longer disturbed by from where we will get those needs. As we do our part to work, God will provide our needs.
That’s it. I already explain how Plow-Harvest law works.
Now is my example:
Several weeks ago, my brother in law and one of my friend lent money from me. I also borrowed some money for one of my friend. The amount of money which lent from me is more than money which I borrowed. Money which I lent is bout Rp 7 million, while money which I borrowed is about Rp.500.000,-. So, I try to practice this law. Rather than asked my brother in law and my friend for that money, I choose to pay my debt first. After I paid my debt, that night my brother in law and my friend send my money to my account. The law was worked. And yet, I do believe, even believe more, with this law.
So, are you wanted to practice this law also? If you still don’t believe it, please ask Oprah, Ford and Gates about this thing. They know this secret, so they build foundation for their riches.
That's a very good law: to get more, we have to give more. Of course with full sincere to those who need it.
I'm not sure if there is a good or bad law. Law is a law, no matter what happen law is will still get its effect by any chance.
But, for sure, I agree with you. This law is good for us.
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