Wow... awesome!!!
High class movie. High class musical film. Nice really nice. Too nice not to be watched.
The theme of this movie is music. How can we appreciate the music. The music which come from the Giver of The Music it self. The story is wrapped with the journey of one boy Evan, to find his parents. Evan, which later called August Rush, truly believe that his parents still live. He, himself, is already stayed in orphanage house since born. But he refuses to have new family since he believe his parents still alive. He hear it. Everyday. His parent's sounds. Through the music. Music which bring by the wind, the cloud, the stars, the rain, the water, the nature.
Gosh, the film is so much live. For you who likes music very much like me, it is a truth film of music.
Music is actually around us. The ringing of big trunk striking each other, the sound of wave, the sound of water clicking, the sound of phone ringing, the wind blows, everything. Actually it is music. Music of nature. I really like the philosophy. And I count it as truth.
As I follow the development of the contemporary music these days, actually it also lead us to the development of the music by the nature. Lot of composition today is imitating the sound of rain fall, the canon ball, the wind blow, the magic of the water flowing, the birds singing, the lark, everything. And the sound it self become amazing.
I really like one of the quote of this film:
The sounds of nature, it creates a great amazing music, it is everywhere, around us,
Yes it is. It is overtone. All around us. Just listen, then you will believe.
Right after I'd done watch this movie, I laid on my bed. Then I tried it. To listen the music of nature. Yes it's true. I could hear it. The nodes of water which falling down from my pipe in front of my house, the-almost could not be listened music- which played from the house far there, the moon light, the sounds of flipping leaves because the wind blows, every thing. I tried to listen. And yes it is true. Then I tried to find the beat of this music. But I couldn't. There's no beat here. Then I realize something, why should I find the beat? Let it be! Let it the music of the nature form itself, why should be any beat there? That's why now I realize, these music which I hear everyday actually sharping the great area of music. I use to envy drums as a beat guardian, but now I accept the music on it's own. With or without beat. It's all music. And,
I tried it so hard, since I am a replacing conductor, so I can heard the overtone from the choir. But I never find it. Now, accidentally, I can hear it surrounds me. Wow... it's amazing. Truly amazing.
Music is very great. Far more grande that I've ever heard before. Music is music. And music is beautiful.
The movie is sooo great.. I love this movie too.. Musiknya jg keren abhiez..
kyknya gua pengen nonton lagi deh untuk kedua kalinya.
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