Usually I would thinked about a tall-handsome-white collar-guy, standing with his bag, perfect suite and cellular phone, speaking with someone far-end, taking care of his business. Rich, has so many talents, smart, learn everythings since kid. Has his own car, Mercedes 350. Has girlfriend and ready to get married. Etc.
But then I just realized. It is not that shallow. It’s deeper. A perfect man is a man with a perfect responsibility; 100% responsible for something in his hand. It’s a family. A man becomes a perfect man when he becomes a father of a family. He is in charge in everyway to make his family safe and sound and stay alive. Never talked about face, good-looking, money, rich, company, car, or else. Only responsibility and struggling.

I can’t imagine what a responsibility it is. It’s a great duty and it’s a grace.
I’m quite confused actually, for such many folks and relatives of mine that has child surround me; I hit by this guy about this subject. Maybe it's because this guy ever shared his love stupidity of his new born baby. I don’t know. Actually his story (about The Guardian Angel thing) was amusing, but I could feel his truth and honest love for Gaskha in it.
I believe it’s also because my friend’s age is not too distant from me, and God's kind of preparing me through him, that some day… I’ll become a father also. And have my own family. Yippie...
NB: Also waiting for Teguh-XL Junior for another 3 months. Good luck Mister.
wa... luthuuuuuuu banget anaknya
gak kayak bapaknya..
hehe, peace Mr. Eko
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