Baru-baru ini gua teringat akan suatu pujian yang menyegarkan hati gua. This is the song (and imagine i'm sing it right now)
I will come and bow down
at your feet Lord Jesus
In your presence is fulness of Joy
There is nothing, there is no one
Who compares with You
I take pleasure in worshipping You Lord
Dedicated to Pindy
in term of her BIG LESSON

you make me almost cry. teringat ketika itu juga terjadi ama gue. ampe sekarang gue makin sadar, secara fisik, teman datang dan pergi, kadang di waktu yang gak kita, dan pasti selelu terjadi. tapi secara hati...they are in our heart!
hiks.. hiks.. hiks..
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